Part 72

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"We did it," Adina repeated, a little more softly, as she drew back from the hug. "Which means that we're going to have to go back home."

I gave a small nod. 

"That it does," I said. 

Adina's bottom lip wobbled a little, in response to that notion. 

"Oh, Riley! I'm going to miss you so much. You're such a good friend! You should get everything that you deserve," she said. 

"I'll miss you too," I replied. Why were my eyes watering? 

Wow. I really had got attached to this group of little weirdos. Sure, they were strange, but they were, without a doubt, some of the coolest beings from Hell that I had ever met. That's not to say that I meet a lot of them. Obviously I don't...not until recently, at least. 

Adina's expression became thoughtful for a few moments and she then removed her red jacket from her body and passed it to me. 

"Riley, this is my jacket but...I suppose it is now your jacket. It had its own powers, so it will draw people to you and give you courage when you're struggling to find it. I doubt you'll struggle too much, though, but I hope this will remind you of me," she said. 

I felt a smile appear on my lips. My cheeks were going to hurt if I smiled any more, I could swear it. 

Adina gave me one final hug and then started to move back towards the closet, so she could return to the box that she had emerged from only a few months ago. 

Had it really been two months? 

Life was incredibly crazy, sometimes. 

The next one of the Sins who wanted to speak to me was Invidia. 

She took a step towards me, with a serious expression upon her face at first. However, it soon changed into a kind expression. Her apple-green eyes grew warmer. 

"Would you have guessed it? I'm really going to miss you too, you little human weirdo," she said. 

"I'll miss you and your fantastic style too, Invidia," I replied, with sincerity behind my words. 

Invidia's eyes fluttered with surprise, before she continued. 

"Thank you. Good luck for the future, Riley. You're going to do amazing things, I can feel it," she said. "And I have a feeling that we might see each other again one day, so this isn't goodbye." 

"See you later, then, Invidia," I said. 

"See you," she said. "Take good care of her, Jason. There's a special place in Hell for you, if you don't." Her voice was serious, but there was a playful glint in her gaze. 

"I will do," Jason promised. 

Invidia nodded. 

"Good," she said. 

It was then her turn to return to the box, but she didn't leave without waving to us first.

 When Invidia had disappeared out of view, Ira stepped forwards. 

"Well, I never thought that I would be saying this, but I really am going to miss you, Riley. And you too, Jason," he said, with a kind expression. 

"Hey, I'll miss you too, Ira, but you've got to head back- Hell needs your wits," I reminded him. 

In response to that comment, Ira's lips twitched. He took a step closer to wrap his arms around me. 

"I don't hug many people," he admitted. 

I hugged him back. 

"Understandable. Luckily for you, I give the best hugs!" I said. 

"That you do, Riley. That you do," he said. 

He then took a step back from the hug, so he could meet my gaze again. 

"I better go now, but Riley, I'm only ever a call away," he reminded me, as he started to walk towards the box. 

He stopped in his tracks and turned back to me for a few moments. 

"And Riley?" 

"Yes, Ira?" I asked. 

"If you ever need anyone beaten up, or anyone gets on your bad side, open the box," he said with a wink, before he returned to the box, too. 

Guttur and Otius were the next ones to leave. 

Grabbing a collection of chocolate, Guttur made his way towards the box. 

"Bye, Riley! Good luck with everything!" he said, "Thanks for all the chocolate!" he added, before he left. 

Otius smiled at me. 

"Bye, Riley," he said. 

"Bye, Otius. Wait!" I said, quickly going to grab my console from my bedside table. 

His eyes widened in amazement. 

"You use this more than I ever would," I told him, placing it firmly into his hand. 

"Thank you!" Otius said, with warmth behind his gaze. He then fell back into the box. 

That meant that there were only two Sins I had left to say goodbye to, though I didn't want to think of it as a 'goodbye', more of a 'see you later'. 

"Riley, for a human, you're pretty awesome. Don't ever let anyone get you down, girl," Prida told me, as she wrapped an arm around my shoulders and gave me a reassuring squeeze. "You'll be missed, for now. I'm sure we will see each other again one day. Bye for now, Riley and Jason!" she said and then made her way back into the box. 

Six down, one to go. 

"Hey Avidicci," I said, feeling his gaze on me. 

"Hi, Riley," he replied with a warm expression. "Here we are." 

"Here we are," I repeated in agreement. 

"I'll be wishing you luck, Riley, though I doubt you need much of it. I think you've got most things worked out, all by yourself. Thank you for all of your help and- Hell, come here, you," he said. 

I grinned, as I took a step forward into Avidicci's warm embrace. 

"I sure will miss you," he said. 

"Until we meet again," I reminded him, as I took a step back from the hug. 

"Until then," he said, with a bow of his head in farewell. "Jason, take good care of Riley. Riley, take good care of Jason," he said. His mouth twitched up at the corner and he then followed after the others, back into the box. 

With all of the Sins now back in the box, Jason and I went to close the lid of the box together. 

"I'll actually miss them," I said in a whisper, surprised by how true those words were. 

"Me too. They were cool," Jason said. "Not as cool as someone I know, though," he said, gently nudging me. 

I felt a grin work its way onto my face. 

"I could say the same thing about you," I replied. "Now, I really need to go and find my grandma. Do you want to come with me?" I asked him. 

"Let's go," he said. 

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