Chapter 8

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Wills pov

I woke up to a bush of red hair in my face and Max's leg on my stomach.
How does she sleep like that?
My head aching from the last night sleepover.
I think she might I have hit me hard with that pillow.

I try my best not to wake her up. Heading to the bathroom, brushed my teeth and nested up to be bumped into Max's older brother Billy.
He gave me such a weird vibe, that felt so strange and that I felt it before.

"Hi I'm Billy" he said in a creepy voice.
"Hhiii I'm ... Wwill Byersss". I said super nervous
"Whats going between you and my little sister."
"Um nothing nothing where just good friends."
"You better be right otherwise" he picked the wall "that will be you".

I gulped and walked  away back to Max's room.
Now that the sunshine hit the room. It was quite blinding to look at the colourful posters and rainbow on the wall.

A few minutes later we said our fairwells and I went back home.

But little did I know that there was someone waiting for me in my room.

Mike's Pov

Thank god Joyce gave me the spare key.
As I pace the room trying to think about what to tell the browned haired boy.
I sat down on the side of his bed when I kicked something.
Huh a Journal?
I pick it up and by the time I open it I see a car pull up into he drive way. I shove it in my bag and wait for Will.
Okay so what am I basically gonna say.
"Will hi, um what's up with you leaving like that?"
No that's to straight forward I might hurt his feelings. Um "Will we need to talk why are you so distant now , I mean like did I do anything" No that's too much pressure I'm sure I'll think of something of the subject
My thoughts were interrupted by hearing  the door knob twitch and the door swings open.
I get up

"Hey Will." I said looking down at my feet.

"Ohh HHI Mike"
Why is he so cute when he Statters.

"Um can we talk if you don't mind" I said awkwardly rubing the back of my neck.

"Yea sure" he said gesting to the bed.

I followed took a breath in.

"Will we are best friends right?" I said looking into his eyes

"Yes of course Mike"the golden orbs staring right back at mine.

"Well.." I had enough of this.

"Well Why don't you Trust me!" I said in an outburst.

"Oh nono I'm sorry Will" seeing the smaller boy shocked.

"Um no it's fine, I just kinda spaced the other day" he said looking nervous.

"I'm sorry I said that Will and in that time, it just that I was really looking forward to the gang hanging out agian and Inso wanted to talk to you the whole time, and el she kept clinging to me plus you even went to talk and sit near Max". I said as fast as possible.

I could see the brown haired boy still processing what I have said , I got anxious when he didn't speak.

"Well I'm I'm sorry Mike but I just wanted stop spend some time with Max that's all. I thought you where fine with el that's why I didn't intervene".

"Will your always my best friend my everything and you can tell me whats wrong okay I'm right here for you" I said picking up my bag and heading to the door.
"Bye Will."
"Mike wait!"
"Um yea "
"I need to tell you something"
"Yes" I said growing interested
"I lov-"
"Sorry Will come to the fair later today and we can about it".

Hi guys hope you enjoyed sorry for late updates kinda busy with school.❤️ Thanks for the support  please follow and vote. Byes ilysm❤️✨

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