Chapter 22-Love and rounds & rounds of it ...

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August Pov;

I woke up with Jada's hair in my face. She was butt naked too, just how i like it. I reached over the cover and grabbed ha booty. I climbed on top and started to suck on her nipple.

Augustt stopp, she said with her eyes closed.

I chuckled and got up. I went in the bathroom and bruhsed my teeth and washed my face. I came back in the bathroom and saw she was walking funny.

i told you, you couldnt take the dick, i said

Yes i can, she said limping .

show me den, i said

She grabbed the side of my pants and pulled them down. She was butt naked so she layed on the bed. I got on top but she moved.

Baby where you going? i said

Check on the kids, she said

She threw on some sweats and a tee shirt and went in the kids room.She gave them a bottle and they went back to sleep. Just then, there was a knock at the door. I looked threw the peep hole and it was Quan and his girlfriend for 3 months now, Channel.

Wassup Man, Quan said as he dapped me

Wassup, where were you yesterday, i thought you said you were coming to the hospital, i said

I was but i had to pick her up, he said pointing to his girlfriend . she rolled her eyes.

Oh, im August, i said reaching my hand out.

She shook it. Im Channel, she said

Nice to meet you, i said .

I let them in so we could talk. I told channel that Jada was upstairs with the kids. She went up there.

So wassup with you man, i said

Nothing man, but my girl, she a freaky one and she wants to know if, yall wanna have sex with us, he said

Like a 4 some? i said

Yeah, she so freaky, i aint even wanna tell you about it but she just wanna have sex with yall, he said

Let me talk to Jada , i said

Jada! i yelled

What ! She yelled

COme to the kitchen please! i yelled

Ok! she said

I went to the kitchen and waited. After a few minutes, she came.

Yes baby? she said

Thats not my name, i said

She rolled her eyes. Yes daddy? she said

Thats my girl. But umm, Quan just asked me if we wanted to do a four some tonight with him and his girlfriend channel, i said

Ew, gross, she said . i only wanna have sex with my baby, she said

Baby I know but just try it, I said

No August ! she said and walked out

Whatever , i said .

She said no quan, I said walkin back into the living room .

That's alright man , he said .


Jada Pov;

My grandma came and got Diamond & Anthony a few minutes ago. Dayshaun still hasnt seen Anthony yet. After Quan left , I was getting sexually frustrated with August . I walked up stairs to August and i's room. I climbed on top of him and straddled him. he didn't even look at me.

August look at me, I said grabbing his face.

What Jada? he said with attitude.

What's wrong with you ? I asked.

Nothing ma , damn , just go cook ,do some shit , he said pushing me on the floor .

Fuck you August , I said and walked out .

I grabbed my Jordan's and basketball shorts. I put on a Jordan shirt . I grabbed a basketball and headed down the street to the basketball court. I turned the corner and was there in no time. I shot some hoops & I saw a tall man walking over to us . It was August. he had on a black hoodie with his j's . I shot a 3 pointer and looked at him.

What August? I said dribbling the ball.

I ain't no you played baby mama, he said putting his hands in his hoodie pocket.

Well I do , I said as I shot another 3 pointer.

He came behind me and grabbed me by my waist. I'm sorry baby girl. it's just you never try sum new, he said kissing my neck .

It's ok and I don't like sharing my man with some other couple . you my baby for a reason , I said .

I know baby , he said coming to the front of me .

You know , I can see your titties threw your shirt , they turning me on, he whispered in my ear.

How about this , if I win this game to 5 , we have to make out for 20 minutes on the couch & if you win , we gotta do at least 10 rounds of sex , tonight , I said checking the ball

He'll yeah , yo lil freaky ass, he said as he started to dribble the ball .


I walked home silently . what's wrong baby ? August cooed in my ear . shut the hell up , I said . You mad cause its gonna be you and daddy tonight in the bedroom , he said in my ear . Shut up August , I said . we got home around 6:00 from the basketball court . I was changing into my bra and panties, getting ready for what was about to go down in the bedroom . August walked in with no shirt on , and only basketball shorts .

You ready? he said leaning on the frame.

I guess , I said .

Baby , stop being so mad at me , he said grabbing my waist.

Whatever , I said .

I laid down and let him get on top of me . he kissed me lips and put his tongue down my throat. we made out for 5 minutes. As we were kissing, he put his fingers in my clit and fingered me. I moaned in his mouth as he did that . I love this man . shit is about to go down in this bitch .


Short read....


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