Saturn - 8

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In the depts of Qatra's ocean, Agatha opened her white eyes. The Osmógreh felt possessed by a force that he could neither comprehend nor resist. He placed Agatha in front of his eyes, looking forwards, as if he would perceive the world through her eyes from then on, holding her with two tentacles by her waist. The beast opened her enormous wings, and without moving them, he elevated through the ocean to reach the sky half a mile above the sea surface.

They looked like a cross, with the beast wings extended to the sides and Agatha's long hair hanging down from them. In the horizon, near the shores of Sibara, an electric storm began to form, and lightnings whipped seaside villages across it. They flew towards those shores. Enormous twisters formed over the sea at their pass and followed them wiping-out villages, caves, and castles, in a whirlpool of dust and electricity.

They moved from the coast to inner lands leaving a trail of destruction, of which news were promptly received in Llacme's castle. Anubis had regained consciousness; he was still injured but recovering as his right eye socket had stopped bleeding. He and Achish were next to Llacme's throne, where the humanoid centipede was sitting. Llacme asked the chimerical dog and vulture for an explanation.

"The Virgin of Halych, Mistress of Storms," said Anubis.

"What can we do about her?" asked Llacme.

"She is passing over the Humner now," added Achish, "when she reaches the mountains, maybe the goats will take her down, if not, there isn't much we can do."

"Where did she come from?"

"Possibly summoned by Maria, to stop us from destroying Earth," said Anubis.

At the mountains near the Humner, Agatha and her Osmógreh advanced as the goats prepared to charge against them. A circle of electricity barely visible formed on the horizontal plane around Agatha and her beast. The goats smashed their horns against it and fell to the ground electrocuted and unconscious.

After three days destroying Sibara, Agatha arrived at Llacme's castle and was received at its entrance by Llacme, Anubis and Achish. She descended to a couple feet above the ground and looked at them with her bluish white eyes.

After some moments of tense silence, she commanded with her harsh whispering voice, "Letérdel," meaning "Kneel down," in Hungarian.

Anubis and Achish knelt, but Llacme, that did not understand Hungarian, remained up and looked at Anubis for an explanation.

"Bow down."

Llacme inclined, subdued to the will of the Virgin of Halych.

In Nineveh, in the same room where she was resurrected, another Agatha opened a portal drawn with blood on the floor. She had a platinum tiara on her head, a bracelet made of bones with one red Crom eye in her left wrist and her mechanical hands were soaked in red blood. She was carrying a scepter made of human bones, it had a big green eye in its tip, three times the size of a human eye, looking perpendicular to the scepter's length. The eye was embedded on a socket in a thick bone circle, that connected the eye with the staff. Six long metal needles with irregular crystal coverage came out of the bone circle, three to the right side of the eye and three to the left side. The eye had green sclera; instead of iris and pupil it had a dark-green eight-pointed star in its center which rays reached the eye's borders. Superimposed over the star, a white vertical line crossed its center, coinciding with its upper and lower rays. The scepter's staff was seven feet long and retractile, its lower end was sharp and metallic.

Agatha of Halych and the Green Eye (Ekron)

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Agatha of Halych and the Green Eye (Ekron)

Agatha used the portal and appeared in Maria's workroom. Then she activated the scepter; the needles shone red, the crystal layers on them liquated and were projected one foot further from the needle tips; transforming liquid crystal in black masses of plasma, rippling, and waving at five thousand degrees Kelvin, at the end of thick electric arcs connecting them with the needles.

She opened passages through the walls in her way with the gurgling black plasma masses on the sides of The Green Eye. She emerged from Kish, looked north and disappeared. Then she materialized herself near the crater of Lidya. She activated the aquamarine portal with an electric discharge from her left hand and crossed to the forests of Sibara. Minutes later she appeared near the entrance of Llacme's castle, where another Agatha was suspended in the air, held by an Osmógreh. They turned around to face her and descended to the ground. The Osmógreh carefully put his Agatha's clawed feet on the stone floor, and Agatha with the Green Eye scepter approached her. She put the palm of her bloody left mechanical hand in her forehead, and both closed their eyes. The Agatha with extremely long hair and clawed feet disappeared in black fog carried away by the wind. The cables connected to her head fell to the ground. Then Agatha, with the Green Eye in her right mechanical hand, approached the Osmógreh and caressed his tentacles with her left hand.

She said to him in harsh whispers, "Ha magányosnak érzi magát, akkor mindig a barlangban lakhat, szellemem időről időre meglátogatja," in Hungarian, "If you feel lonely, you can always live in the cave, my spirit will visit you from time to time."

And the beast opened his wings to fly over Sibara, over the ocean and finally over Dobruj, to the place that was his home for a century. Cables were still hanging from his head when he entered the cave.

Anubis, still kneeling besides Achish, looked at the Green Eye and said quietly, "Oh, God. That scepter, has been..."

"Remade..." said Achish, completing the sentence.

Agatha entered Llacme's castle. Anubis, Achish and Llacme stood up from their profound reverence and followed her steps. In the throne hall, they knelt before her again, as she sat in the sapphire throne, looking back at them with her unexpressive bluish-white eyes. Anubis remembered the first time he saw her, covered in blood, at the head of a procession.

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