Chapter 1

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George had woken up to his mother grabbing him out of his bed. "Wake up George! We're going to the park!" she said excitedly. George yawned and stood up so his mother could bathe him.

George's mother put him in a blue T-shirt and some overall shorts with black sneakers. She grabbed Georges hand and walked out the door. They walked to "Roseville Park" which had been there since Georges parents were children.

Georges mother sat down on a bench and let George play while she watched him. She looked away for 20 seconds because she saw somebody walking their dog. She looked back and George wasn't there. "George?" She called out.

"George?" She stood up and began to walk around while looking for him. "GEORGE?!" She began to run and yell Georges name while panicking. "GEORGE! WHERE ARE YOU?!"

George walked away from the playground because something caught his eye. It was a rose garden. Full of white roses. He walked over and started smelling them. He walked in the field until he seen another boy.

The boy was blonde and was wearing a green shirt and the same denim overalls as George. His sneakers were also black.

The boy turned around and walked to George. "Hi!" He said happily. "I'm Clay!" He smiled and stuck out his hand. George analyzed Clay. He notices Clay was wearing a white flower crown and had one tooth missing in the front.

"I-I'm George." George stuck out his hand and shook Clays. "Wanna be friends?" Clay asked and George looked at him again with a glare. "Okay!" George said and they sat down and Clay gave George a white rose.

George took it. "Thank you!" George smiled.

"GEORGE?!" George and Clay turned around and it was George and Clay's mothers. They grabbed their sons and looked at each other.

"I-I'm so sorry!" Clay's mother exclaimed. "No it's okay!" Georges mother replied. George tried to break free of his mother grip. "Mommy!" George yelled.

"Yes baby?" She asked. "That's Clay, he's my friend!" Georges mother put George down and George ran to Clay and hugged him. Clay hugged back and said, "Mommy! This is George, he's my friend!"

"Aww." Clay's mother said. "Hey, what school does your son go to?" Georges mother asked. "Clay? He goes to Harvard elementary."

"My son too! He works in classroom 103. You?"  Georges mother asked. "That's crazy, my som works I'm that classroom as well!" School hadn't started yet, as it was still summer But teachers reached out to parents and told them what classes their kids would be in.

Clay and George smiled and held hands. "Mommy! Can me and George come to our house?" Clay smiled and the mothers exchanged phone numbers and said their goodbyes. Clay and George hugged and said goodbye as well.

Rose field||Dreamnotfound fanfic||Where stories live. Discover now