44 1 16

written on 04/20/21
finished on 04/26/21
yeah took me 6 days, things happened

Happy birthday,
Happy birthday star 🌟 Its almost 2 years since I've known you and you're honestly one of the best people that came into my life. I never would have met you if my mama never forced me to join the school 😭 but I'm glad she did :) You are amazing and just beyond my expectations.Truly out of this world 🥺❤️  Never in my life have I met someone so stubborn 😂 but soft. Like a beautiful comet, Words honestly can't explain how much you made an impact in my life.You were unexpected, a random person who I never thought that much of, A random weirdo just sitting behind me😂

Little did I know that this short little ass random weirdo would become an important idiot to me😿 At first, I didn't really like you😻 probably because you appeared like a brat and a snob at first glance HAHHSHAHAHA  I was quick to judge the half-angel you are and I'm sorry for that. 😹

My view of you changed a little later tho as I got to know you. You were undeniably funny 😩 and smart as fuck omg girl 👧 and a foodie 😻 Even though I may have not thought of It back then, I probably unsubconsciously knew you were different in ways that are hard to understand. Or maybe I was just new to your species 🗿 BSHHSHAHAHAHA but i guess I was willing to try and understand you because here we are now.

Secretly eating food in class with you was fun cause you'd always make these weird faces saying "Yan give me food"  like wtfak dude I'm not your servant 😂We'd have candy in our pockets because we just like to chew on things don't we🤩 And our cheating tactics ugh😩🙌 You made me smile a lot 😹 and laugh a lot☺️

Also, I'm sorry I wasn't the one that comforted you the first time I saw you cry. She was there though and I'm thankful for that because you seemed okay naman when you got back. I was worried asf😩 I'm sorry if I ever hurt you in any way😞 please know that I'd never do that on purpose.You're so special to me that imagining just losing you brings me to tears and makes my heart ache :( I'm sorry if I'm not always there for you. I'm sorry if I give you a hard time, if I make you feel lonely. If there's anything I can do to make it up to you, Tell me and I'll try my best to do it.

Vibing with you, omg vibing with you is just awesome :) Even though I'm slow most times,You have enough patience to make sure that we're on the same page😭🙏 sometimes only tho😿 but thank you for that🥺 I'm not as funny as you, So idk why you laugh when you're with me tbh -.- but thank you for accepting me 😎☺️

I think of you a lot😞 more than you know. How you're feeling and how your day was, what made you smile or frown a lot today and stuff😿 There were some moments that I teared up for reasons too humiliating to reveal but yes. Someone actually cries for you😭 At least it shows that I really do care right? Its really vivid if you ask me :)

I think you already know this but I just want to remind you that I'm here and am willing to do my absolute best to always be here for you <3 even when we're not in the best terms. you're important, a permanent priority in my life, A star that I'll always make time to admire at. If you were to have a say in this paragraph you'd say you were the love of my life 🙄 but you're really not🤩🤩 not anymore😌🙌

Your embrace, jwkwjd I forgot what it felt like😿 and IM REALLY SORRY ITS JUST YOU JUST SQUISHED ME😭😭 But even then being engulfed in your scent and being embraced by you is just, my safe place :') Sorry to say but its true😭I'm stuck with you and you're stuck with me 🙄 for now at least 🗿but anyways😿

I wish I was there right now enjoying your birthday with you 😕Life just has other plans but know that soon when I have power, I'll fucking force life to have plans for you🙄🔪 That might be reckless but there's really nothing I wouldn't do for you😩🙌 #number1simp 😭😭😭

What you wished for when we were together? I wished for that too.  Just a little different than yours.
but time will come star ☺️ All it asks from us is just patience🌟

And for your birthday? I wish
For you to achieve your dreams with or without me :> For you to be happy even without me cause I very much know someone will make you happier than I ever will 😚Live your life to the fullest, free from anyones control. Make friends that'll last a long time🤩Don't let anything or anyone change you. But if you do change, change for the better💛 Traveling and taking pictures and doing the things that makes you really, really happy. Collecting cameras and memories of anything and everything that is special to you. And that someday, Somebody will take time to look up and lovingly gaze at you. I mean, who can't sit and admire a star? They're beautiful regardless of what they're made of and how they came to be.

Thank you for being my friend, Happy Birthday ☺️

I contemplated whether on publishing this or not but yes 😃Where stories live. Discover now