Chapter Two

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After about twenty minutes, Violet walked out of the castle and into the garden. This was her favorite place in the world. She came here to do her studies or to read. While she was looking at the lavender plants, Wilbur was standing there, admiring her love for plants.

"You always come here, yet you still look at the lavender as if it's your first time seeing it." He acknowledged.

"And you're the one to speak! Remember when the chef made a five-layer chocolate cake for your birthday? And you loved it so much that you had asked for it every single year for your birthday, and each time the chef brought out the cake, you had always looked like it was your first EVER birthday cake." Violet smiled. Her family had always treated Wilbur like he was part of it. Sometimes, Violet would have the urge to call him 'grandpa' and she laughed at that.

"Yes, I do remember all those birthdays and cakes. But, I didn't just call you out here to talk about all of that! I needed to tell and ask you something." Wilbur announced.

Violet shot up from the lavender and looked at Wilbur looked serious. "Oh, well, go ahead! You can tell me anything, Wilbur." Violet said as reassurance.

"Well, Violet, I-I have a son. He will be staying at the castle for a year or so. I just wanted to go ahead and warn you so you don't think a random boy will be lurking around the castle."

Violet was surprised from hearing the news. She never pictured Wilbur as a family man but considering that he was like a second dad to her, she sounded stupid thinking that he would never have a family. "Wilbur, I'm so shocked. Do you have a son? You have a son! Wow, I didn't expect that today. Okay, wow! Wilbur has a son! When did this all happen?" Violet asked curiously.

"Somethings just happen. He is actually about your age. He is coming here to Auros to study zoology." Wilbur said, proudly.

"Why zoology? And why here? Not that there is anything wrong with him staying here, but what's to offer at the castle?" Violet implied. There wasn't anything at the castle that had anything to do with zoology.

"There is nothing specifically here at the castle, but there is a university that he is studying at that is around ten minutes from the castle. After being with his mother for so long, he had decided to come live with me. When I told him that I've been working at the castle for about twenty years, he was in shock. I had told your parents about the situation and they are so kind enough to let him live here." Wilbur explained.

"Well, I'm glad he is staying at the castle. I mean, after not being in contact with him for a long time must be hard to connect. I'm proud of you, Wilbur. " Wilbur smiled at this. He had a very difficult relationship with his son and has always been wanting to fix it.

"Violet, you are the greatest young friend any old man could ask for."

"Wilbur! You're going to make me tear up." Violet quickly wiped under her eyes and gave Wilbur a great big hug.

"I think it's time you might need to be heading up for the castle. Isn't Julian taking you out today?"

Violet had forgotten about Julian and the little picnic that he was throwing. "Wait, before I go back to the castle, when will your son be coming to stay with us?" Violet asked.

"He is supposed to be coming tomorrow."

"Thanks, Wilbur. For telling me everything."

"Go and get ready! Julian always comes a bit earlier."

Violet smiled and nodded and went back up to the castle.


Once Julian picked Violet up from the castle, they went to a secret park and had lunch there.

"This food is so good, Julian! You're such a good cook." Violet beamed.

"Thanks, Love. You know how seriously I take my cooking. Anyway, what have you been up to lately?" Julian asked.

Violet looked at his green eyes and saw the genuine curiosity in his eyes. "Not much. Just been studying and doing my work. I've also been researching a flower that is native to Austria."

"I love how you love flowers. I think you're such a coincidence." Julian laughed.

Violet laughed too. "I know! I love the flower violet and rose."

"What's your favorite flower? Besides violet." Julian smiled.

"Um, probably iris. It smells so good and it looks pretty in a bouquet. But I also like water lilies."

"You're so special to me, Violet. I love you so much." Julian leaned in for a kiss. Violet kissed him back. She knew that this was a bad thing to do considering that she was going to break his heart soon.

"Hey Julian, I think I should be heading to the castle soon. I still have a thousand things to do for my upcoming dinner party."

"Oh, I forgot about your dinner party. You can go ahead and Marcel will drive you back to your castle while I clean." Julian considered.

"Thank you, Julian," Violet said, pleasingly. She hugged Julian before she went to the limousine. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 04, 2021 ⏰

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