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Summary: you're having a picnic with one of the boys

Word count: 2983

Warning: none really, it's just cute... kissing maybe?

Here's a wholesome one for @JxzzyBlack


"Where are we going?" you asked in a hushed manner as Sirius dragged you out of your dimly lit common room.

"It's a secret" he turned to you and whispered, a playful smile upon his lips. He held your hand in his, turning a corner. The castle was dark and quiet, and you knew that you would get at least a week's long detention if anyone caught you out of bed this late.

You had been seeing Sirius for about a month, dating per say. He was charming yes, but also extremely easily distracted. Sirius was usually bouncing around like a chocolate frog so his newfound carefulness stunned you a bit. He tiptoed around the castle cautiously, dragging you behind him. Soon you recognized where you were, by the bottom of the long staircase leading up to the astronomy tower.

"Come on" Sirius whispered, nodding his head towards the stairs. You followed him behind, tiptoeing as to make sure that your footsteps wouldn't echo through the stone walls. You wondered what he was up to, seeing as Sirius wasn't the one to plan secret romantic getaways. He lived very much in the moment of life, as he had told you about a million times.

"Sirius where are we going? What if we get caught?" you questioned, quietly climbing the stairs.

"Ah live a little Y/N" Sirius teased, squeezing your hand "besides Prongs is head boy, he'd get us out of any trouble, he's my brother"

And with that you didn't speak another word. You knew that it was probably true, James being able to get Sirius out of whatever trouble he got himself into. James was a charming head boy who somehow managed to sweep all the professors off their feet, much to head girl Lily's dismay.

You reached the top of the astronomy tower, suddenly being met by the sight of the moon and a million bright shining stars illuminating the greyish stone floors. Sirius turned around, revealing a blanket set up at the far end of the tower. You looked at it, seeing a lantern burning and a woven basket. You turned back, seeing the moon light up Sirius pale face.

"You did this?" you asked, slightly shocked.

"Yup" Sirius said proudly, nodding his head. A wide smile spread across his lips as he took both of your hands in his, leading you to the picnic.

"For me?"

"For you Y/N"

And there you sat, his arms around you and the clear night sky above you. Sirius had packed some sandwiches, pumpkin pasties and a bottle of elderflower wine. Everything was perfect.

"See that?" Sirius whispered in you ear, pointing his index finger towards a bright star on the night sky "that's Sirius"

"The brightest star in the night sky" you whispered back, turning your head to look at him "just like you"

"I love you" he blurted out, pressing a sweet kiss to your lips. The moment was soft and gentle, something that was rather rare with Sirius Black.

"I love you too Sirius"

The sun was slowly rising behind the high mountains, gracing the dewy morning grass with the warmth of the first rays. The darkness slowly fading away, revealing a clear sky. The May air was crisp as you ran, James by your side. His unruly dark hair was slicked into a a small bun at the back of his head and he had his scarlet red Gryffindor Quidditch t-shirt on with the words J Potter printed on the back. He sported a confident smirk as he ran past you, turning to run backwards to face you.

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