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Dabi POV:

I was throwing up again. I mean... There's no point in trying to sleep if this'll always happen. I accidentally activated my flames whilst I was thinking about... Them. Blood leaked from my self made staples that were dug securely my fleash. I would cry if I could. My tear glands were DESTROYED in my [almost] death. All I could do was tremble, bleed and throw up. I was feeling light headed and blood was dripping from the corner of my mouth steadily. Skin flakes were all over the floor and it was FUCKING DISCUSTING. I probraly look like a mess but I couldn't give TWO SHITS with all this pain. The cement was worn and cold against my fleash. I was kneeling down in a dark alleyway since I had no where to go. I wasn't one of THOSE pathetic beggars. I had no home since I was a kid and yet I'm not begging and actually being free. It was late so I decided to go grab something like an energy drink or a coffee. The cherry blossoms looked different in the dark and so far away. I HATE cherry blossoms. They were always there at my old 'home'. I HATED how they would just... just stand and watch everything. A man with a sharp face looked at me, not realizing who I was in the darkness, and questioned "Are you alright?"

"Yes. What makes you ask?" I already knew the answer. He had piercing blue eyes and a strong jaw. He carried an annoying flashlight wherever he went it seemed like. "And get that annoying thing out if my face. It's not THAT dark."

"Well sir... you looked-" he had began in a sickeningly sweet voice. What is he now? Ken in secret. Well his voice so damn fake he might have been. Well I know those deliberately 'soothing' voices any where. That guy on TV who 'helps' homeless. The people he had 'helped' all looked really annoyed. We like making fun of him at the base. Well I've got to get rid of him somehow! 

I spun on my heel and interrupted him in the middle of his sentence. "Poor? Hopeless? Homeless? My god I'm fine! I may be homeless, but I'm not a pathetic beggar" I wiped the blood with my sleeve and finished by saying "Let me get an energy drink in peace." I saw the camera guy that followed him absolutely shook. That put a grin on my face. He didn't know a famous villain was the guy he was talking to.

 I heard the words 'calling' and 'heroes' and I made a run for it. Turning around on live was a bad idea. THERE WAS LITTERAL BLOOD FLOWING FROM YOUR STAPLES DABI!!! Rain stared to kiss my cheeks and soon began to run off my jacket. My platform, knee-length, soot black boots splashed in puddles that popped up randomly. Lights of all colours were forming shapes, letters and numbers on buildings, in the sky and basically anywhere. It was crowded and nobody noticed me... yet. I was bumping into people and making a scene.

 It wasn't even a minute before someone shouted "He's too fast for his own good!" and people began cheering. I can't be bothered right now. I adjusted my mask so my scars and burns weren't visible and put up my hood. I know Hawks is fast but I can grab a Monster right? I mean... I'm wanted in soooo many places and never got caught but hasn't had to be so.. ya know... sneaky? I could be on live TV but they won't catch me... I'm overestimating myself. 

This idiotic chicken swooped in front of me right as I left the shop I was in. My eyes were rolling and I manged to say without laughing or showing emotion "Did the last time we met not scare you bird?" I was literally the person he was terrified of now. I could've burned him again but I decided to take a gulp from the green and black can. "I haven't got time for a bird who wants its feeder refilled," I sighed, "You realise the feeder might never be refilled and you will be left a hopeless and crappy action figure in an antique shop?"

"That's not how it is!" His crimson feathers folded but were prepared to attack at anytime. He always fails to intimidate me. He should try harder next time. Now it was really hard to keep a strait face. But the look on his face! I bet he's feeling upset or something by those few words that just tumbled out of my mouth.

Well the camera guy was chasing me. Fucking idiot. His bulky camera was on wheels and I was surprised how well this chubby, overweight guy can run. If it were a normal person running, I would be rather disappointed. He had rosy, inflated, round cheeks and fingers the size of balloons. He looked more of a mess then me and I don't know how to shower anymore. How could someone look this bad and still have the nerve to go out in public? He had a mop of ginger, sopping hair. It looked like a sewer rat curled up and died on his head because it was so filthy. I can actually use dry shampoo. He didn't have far too run but he was out of breath. He was looking determined to film the battle. 

Hawks took one look at my face with wine red blood now gushing from my face and gave me the look of pity. That got my blood boiling. I put down the can with my numb, red, stiff hands and spun towards the guy. It was that famous guy! He survived so many villain attacks and tells his story's everywhere. Well I've seen him and he's the most self-absorbed person I've ever encountered. He would tell fake tales and start bosting about them. Well he isn't going to escape this attacks! Fwoosh! Peacock green and berry blue flames came out of my palms with glissening, shimmering white slithers mixed in. The blinding reflection the camera made burned my eyes but I continued until I saw what I wanted. 

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