Silent breakdown.

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My flames slowly turned smaller until the blackened, burnt, bleeding corpse was revealed. Just what I wanted to see. I did a full spin this time. I loved the feeling of rain. I couldn't have been in rain when I was young due to my power obsessed father and his horrible 'training' methods. But now I'm here.


The puddle I was standing on made filthy water splashed everywhere when I spun on my heel, including in my socks. I was surely going to hell they all said. Who even cares? Who even needs a religion? It only scares us into doing what they want. What they want...

I was on the ground again. My ribs were bruised. But Fuyumi and Nastuo were here... At least they were fine. Father had left and dragged Mum with him... My nose was bleeding and my eye was swelling from one of the punches I took for Fuyumi. Why? He said that Fuyumi wasn't a 'proper lady' and 'should do what she has been told'. He said that 'A beating will put her into the right state of mind'. It was 1 am and Sho walked into the room, crying. I wouldn't tell him what he said... I couldn't. His words were echoing in my head... 'You fool! To think God made someone like this!' God didn't make who I am! Your just taking religion too far! I knew our little brother... The 'masterpiece'... wasn't perfect. Not even Sho. I pulled him close to my chest and rocked him to sleep. I felt his relaxed, raspy breath from my hand that was resting on his back. He was seven and I was ten years older [I can't be bothered to do math rn]. I took my siblings hands. Fuyumi was always caring and looking after them when I wasn't around. Natsuo was tallest and he was SECOND YOUNGEST! He was a joker and a fun guy but can be serious when the times right. Shoto was the youngest and broken like the rest of us at a young age. He was sweet and quiet but also cute. I put them all to sleep and had another sleepless night. The sound of Mum crying made me upset as I heard her wails of complaining and despair. The scars hurt whenever I brushed up against something. I spent all night waiting for the sun to rise again and its amber glow to make this place seem... peaceful.

I snapped out of my trance long enough. Hawks was looking at me in disbelief. The rain was beginning to slow. The gentle patter of rain was becoming faint and the exact same peaceful amber sunrise replaced the neon lights and stars that once filled the sky. I smiled at the unexpected beauty and the memories of us watching the sunrise filled my mind. That was what curved my lips into a smile, not the body.

"You MONSTER!!!"



I began to laugh faintly and softly in my raspy, worn breath. I watched the clouds roll across the sky. The camera was still watching us and our battle. I put my hand to my chest and felt the thin rattle.

"Bird, bird, bird," I sighed "It's not the body I'm laughing about."

Shoto Todoroki's POV:

I couldn't sleep. Even though I was in the dorms and away from father, I still felt unsafe. Like I would end up meeting someone like dad again if I'm not careful. That was until I renembered I was warming up to a bunch of idiots. I peeked out the window to see the sky but saw a foggy, tangerine coloured sky. I wonder if Natsuo and Fuyumi were looking right now at the exact same sun. I wonder if Toya saw us and this beautiful view. The stars were beginning to fade and the moon was starting to fall. I searched my draw until I saw what I was looking for.

A photo.

Fuyumi was in a knee length dress with a cute [shirt] collar and buttons leading up to it. She was smiling despite the bandages on her arms. She had black, knee length socks with a pair of smart shoes. Her hair was like always; down, near shoulder length, not-messy not-perfect. She looked less stressed and more... relaxed. She was like... 15...16? Well she just admitted to liking a girl she knew. She said she had this crush for moths before she told us. Natsuo looked like an exited fan for like... Ariana Grande at a concert. Miriko was there, next to Fuyumi [who was having a lesbian panic] and she looked at her like she was her everything. It was summer so Miriko was wearing shorts and a tank top because of the heat. Fuyumi's diamond eyes shone with pride and happiness through her glasses. I was scooped in the trusted arms of Toya and was also wearing summer clothes. I was smiling and watching Miriko put her arm around big sis with a faint tint to her cheeks. Toya... He was bruised up and his fleash was disturbed. His eyes were red, tired and had obviously been crying. The look he gave was protective and sympathetic. He was looking at my big sis and her obvious crush with a 'I knew it! You owe me a drink!' face. Still he had this protective, Trusty look about him that you could blab all your feelings to. Too bad the training ruined it. Deep down, he had this mysterious, distant thing about that was that we quite odd mixed with the other looks and vibe he gave. He had bandages all over him and was looking in pain.

I snapped out of my trance. The alarm clock read: 5:52. I realised that I was alone. I remember the words he said that confused me. 'If you fall in love, fall in love with their eyes. Hair will grey and body's will shrivel up but eyes... Will stay the same. Glassy, teary, bright, dull, whatever! I think all eyes are all beautiful and different.'

Take him home. Take him to me. Take him to mum. Take him to Fuyumi and Natsuo. Take him to us. To his home and family. WE CAN BE HAPPY! WE CAN BE A TRUSTED, NORMAL FAMILY!

I mean this wasn't going to help. At least he's trying to change... No. He says that he'll change but he never does. Clever old, grumpy man. Always giving us false hope. Always making us believe in him. Someday I'll move on. Grow my hair out like the vikings did to symbolise freedom. Perhaps. Get mum out of the hospital that HE put her in.

"I will move on!" I wailed out loud. Did I say that out loud. I can't live without them. "It's been years! Why can't I just- agh!" My legs finally gave in and I fell with a loud THUD. The vision of the pink clouds chasing eachother across the orange tinted sky. I was still in my cuffed, worn jeans and plain, white shirt because I didn't sleep. Soon the waterfall of teams began to roll down my cheeks silently. My breath was short and came out in large huffs after a while. My chest hurt. It felt like someone shot my heart and left me to die. I was completely unaware of where I was.

That was until I heard footsteps. Right now? Really? There was no stopping the tears once they had begun so it was hopeless.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 26, 2021 ⏰

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