Untitled Part 2

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The sun shines through the enormous windows illuminating the bright colours of the red hair from the two ladies on the sofa. Natasha's legs lean against the glass table that sits patiently waiting for someone to rest food or on  it, or place some new magazines on its dust ridden surface. The noises from the kitchen seem to get louder and so Natasha turns the Tv up still being weary of Pepper who was trying to sleep through her headache. But, of course enter Tony and automatically ruins the peace the two had manged to create. Walking up to Pepper he began to flick her shoulder in order to annoy her. 

"What do you want, Stark?" 

"Pepper looked peaceful, thought I'd wake her"

"You just live to annoy her, don't you? After all the shit she does for you" Natasha was not in the mood for this shit today, Pepper had a headache and Natasha had only just got back off of a mission and her body was aching all over. Tony flicked her shoulder again, Pepper frowned in her sleep. 

"Do that again Tony and I'll make a sandwich out of your fingers" Natasha's tone was slightly playful thinking Tony would leave them alone and go back into the kitchen to his bitch of a girlfriend. he flicked her again, this time Pepper groaned and stuffed her head further into Natasha's shoulder, before Tony could move his hand back Natasha grabbed his hand and bit his finger, drawing blood. 

"OUCH" Tony shouted Natasha looked annoyed and slightly smug. Grabbing Pepper and pulling her closer to her she eyed Tony carefully

"I told you to leave her alone" 

"No need to be so mean" Tony walked away to join 'Sam' in the kitchen.

Recently Natasha had been getting more protective when around Pepper. Such as, always leading out of a room first so she can make sure no one was waiting to harm them. Or how she always takes a few minutes to check the rooms in a hotel when they go away. Natasha has always said love is for children. She still stands by that, just not as strongly as she once did. Natasha understands that Pepper and her mother never had the best relationship and so when Pepper came to Natasha one day at shield crying her eyes out, she told Natasha about how she had told her mother she had a girlfriend it took two more hours to finally tell her that they day Natasha's mother had told Pepper that she loved her and would always be there for her was the same day her own mother had told her she disgusted her to her very soul. 

Pepper began to rouse slowly, her nose scrunching and her eyes squeezing shut whilst she stretched out on the sofa and then relaxing and slowly going limp once again against Natasha. 

"Feeling better" 

"Did Tony poke me?" Of course she'd know. 

"Yes, and I bit his finger and he stormed off into the kitchen so he could sulk" 

"Well, thank you for defending my honour" Pepper's smile looked genuine but yet they was still that small part of Natasha that couldn't trust Pepper 100% and that really frustrated them both, Natasha more so than Pepper. Because Pepper knows how hard it is to trust someone even when you don't have a million reasons to distrust everyone in the room.  "Where is he now, in the kitchen you say?" Pepper begins to stand up before Natasha pulls her back down.

"I wouldn't if I was you, Sam is in there with him" Natasha and Pepper both hate Sam. Even though Pepper and Tony are completely done and Pepper cannot see herself with another man and only Natasha, Pepper and Tony are still best friends, and right now, Sam is doing her best to destroy their friendship. Even worse Tony doesn't see this happening because he is too busy drooling over the fact that not only does he have a hot girlfriend but he also has hot roommates who happen to be with other hot people. 

"I don't care if that bitch is in there, Tony is my best friend and she is not getting in the way of that" Pepper stood up took a deep breath and walked into the kitchen. 

"Hows your headache Pep?" Tony looks at her with a slight smile

"It's better, thank you for waking me up. Because as you know I love being woken up when I don't have to be up for anything" 

"Oh I remember, I remember when you used to push your head into the covers in the morning when Jarvis would wake you up on a Sunday, I could barley wake you up" Tony turns towards Sam smiling "Honestly, Its true sometimes the only way I could wake her up was hitting her head with a pillow!". Pepper and Tony erupt into laughter at the sweet memories they have shared whilst Sam eyes Pepper. 

"Aham. I'm glad your headache has gone Pepper, I'm sure Tony wouldn't want you to miss tomorrows meeting. Because we'll be busy out shopping". She walks over to Tony and wraps her arms around him

"Oh, um... When was this arranged? I though I told you me and Nat were going to spend some time together?" 

"Well, I'm sure Sam wouldn't mind rescheduling, I know you and Nat don't get to spend as much time together as you wa---

"WHAT? We planned this together Tony, what am I not important enough?"

"What.. No.. It's just.. Natasha and Pepper don't-- 

"No, It's fine um I'm sure me and Nat can arrange for another time" Pepper slowly walks out of the kitchen and see's Natasha making her way towards the stairs but stops abruptly when she hears Pepper. Just as she opens her mouth to say something Pepper wraps her arms around Natasha and sighs loudly "I'm sorry" she mumbles against Natasha


"Sam and Tony are going shopping tomorrow morning which means-" 

"Which means tomorrow morning is canceled because Tony can't go to the morning meeting, witch means your going and then you wont see me because I'll be away on a mission?" Pepper just clung on to Natasha and nodded slowly. Natasha really hated Sam. Even more so now because not only has she ruined the plans her and Pepper had planned but also because she knows that Pepper will feel bad about it for the rest of the day and tomorrow morning when she gets up to leave Natasha. 

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