Part 1

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"As you look at Wendy, you may see her hair becoming white and her figure little again, for all this happened long ago. Jane is now a common grown-up, with a daughter called Margret, and every spring cleaning time, except when he forgets, Peter comes for Margret and takes her to Neverland, where she tells him stories about himself he listens eagerly. When Margaret grows up, she will have a daughter, who is to be Peters mother in turn; and thus it will go on and on, so long as children are gay and innocent and heartless."

--J.M. Barrie, Peter Pan

As I read the last line, 

As I read the last line, I felt all the joy and pain they must have felt. The joy of flying and going on adventures with Peter Pan, then the pain of growing up and forgetting how to fly then watching your child take your place. Finishing my favorite book once again, I try to imagine what the future holds for them; I know the movie Hook tells, but I can't see Peter being that way as funny as the movie is. I put my book away and take in the sounds around me. I can hear my aunt getting too deep into her game shows and my cousin flittering around her room. 

My aunt Cassidy is a very outgoing woman; she's also been a person I can lean on when I'm feeling down. She became the mom I never had, and I know she feels the same way about me. She only has one child Hope, her pride and joy after her husband left her when Layla and I were only two. Hope is only a few months older than me but looks to be a few years older than me. She's one of my closest best friends. She has long black hair that reaches her mid-back and ice-blue eyes. Her five foot six and a half inches frame towers over my five-foot-two-inch frame. I have black hair as well and golden hazel eyes. Most people mistake me for being Hope's younger sister.

"Ash! Can I come in? It's an emergency!" Hope practically screams through my closed door. I stand up off my glorious bed and open my door to see Layla holding three different pieces of clothing with a wild look in her eyes. I roll my eyes; I should have known, a fashion emergency. I step aside anyway, and she bolts in and starts setting the close on my bed. "What should I wear for school tomorrow? It's the first day, and I have no clue what to wear." I look at the different pieces of clothing on my bed. One seems very flashy, with booty shorts and a sparkly tank top, another was more dressy with a baby blue dress, and the third was very plain with a pair of leggings and a DC shirt. Three very different outfits. "I like the tank top, but I think it's too flashy, and I think it's going to be too hot to wear leggings." I nod in understanding, I'd rather wear my Marvel shirt and my blue jean capris tomorrow, but that's just me. And yes, she's a DC fan, and I'm a Marvel fan, and I will admit, it's weird.

She continued talking and pulling clothes from her closet and bringing them to my room to show me. I just nodded; I didn't know anything about fashion; I just wore what was comfortable. About 20 minutes later, she finally found something to wear, a mid sleeve tight white shirt with a round neck and some blue shorts along with her favorite white crocs (outfit pictured below). "What are you wearing? Please tell me you're going to wear something nice tomorrow." I scowled at her and sighed; she ran to my closet, then to hers, then it was silent. As long as she was out of my hair, I did not care what she was doing.

	By the time we got home, it's almost dark, and I have a new dress (pictured below), which I must admit is really nice, and a new pair of flats

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By the time we got home, it's almost dark, and I have a new dress (pictured below), which I must admit is really nice, and a new pair of flats. Hope got a new pair of flats as well as some makeup. We stopped at Taco Bell for dinner since my aunt has to work late and my cousin can't be trusted cooking, and I'm too lazy to cook tonight. Once inside, I go straight to my room, put my new dress and shoes away, set my alarm, and get ready for bed. Once that's all done, I climb into bed and fall into a blissful sleep dreaming about what's to come tomorrow.

 Once that's all done, I climb into bed and fall into a blissful sleep dreaming about what's to come tomorrow

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Hey, I'm ZD; I love Marvel and sweets, and I'm currently in college; I'm redoing this story, but again I'm not a very good writer. Please give some feedback, anything I should add or change, or any writing tips!!! I will try to do updates every week, but I apologize if I cant due to classes or summer travel. Also, everyone, please be safe on April 24th and every day. Lots of love and high fives!!!!

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