Fuck. What does he plan to do? ~19~

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Tia seems way more keen to be in my head since i attacked Jade. I had another vision. Shao Kahn was asking us to meet him somewhere in a week's time. "Do you believe this guy?" She asked me. He tells us where to meet him and then it ends.

"I don't know if this is real or not but we'd better go to keep everyone safe." I said. The night Shao Kahn asked us to meet him i wrote a note for Sub-Zero and left it on the table beside where i sleep and snuck out. Just my tessen, daggers, and my powers. We walked for ages. Well at least Tia did. I practiced shadow travel. As long as i stood still and thought about where i wanted to go the shadows would swallow me up and drop me off there. We finally got there when the sun was rising.

"I am glad you came." He begins.

"What's this about?" I demand.

"I want you two to join me." He says. Tia interrupts him.

"Woah woah woah woah, slow your roll there Kahn! No way we're joining you!"

"You know not what i am offering. You would be part of my army."

'Take the offer.' The voice in my head whispers. "No means no Kahn." I stated. 'FOOL! HE WILL KILL US ALL NOW!' The voice yells.

"If you will not join me then you will die!" He yells and attacks. I dodge and figure what to do. I know i can't get anywhere close to use my weapons. After a minute of that Tia throws a boulder at him. He dodges it and it goes on like this well after sunrise. I am tiring quickly. Tia then suggests we use the pendent's hidden power and i nod.


I see Kung Lao looking at this note. I got the same one from Bri. I hope they are okay. Then Kung Lao grabs his amulet Tia made and i saw it was nearly on fire. "Something must be wrong with the girls." I point out. I then pull my pendent out and the stone was spinning. It settled on one point and we followed it. Then i heard Bri scream.


"AAAAAAHHHHHHHH!!!!!" My side it burns. Fuck, my ribs! Shao Kahn has me pinned on my back his hammer raised to swing. Then i see Kung Lao's hat knock it out of his hand. While he was distracted i pulled my knee up to my chest. I kneed Shoa Kahn in the balls and used my shadow travel to get away and hide behind a tree. I stumble to my feet and i see Tia running over. 'I'll be fine. I am going back now. Meet me there.' I think so she could hear and i took a step back into the shadows and disappeared again. I got back to the academy and saw them land and i started to cough. I couldn't stop. Then i felt something warm and wet. I wipe my lips and pull my hand back and saw blood. Raiden checks on me and helps me the best he can. Then i begin to panic and Tia whacks me on the head with a rock. The last thing i see as my vision blurs is Sub-Zero with a scared look on his face. Then my vision goes black.

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