Chapter 1

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I'll survive my time here and make it back to the present!

That decided, I bowed to my new 'lord.'

Mai: "I won't let you down."

But Nobunaga grabbed my chin, forcing my gaze toward his.

Nobunaga: "I plan to take very good care of you, Mai."

Hey! I'm you chatelaine, not your plaything!

Mai: "Good. You can start by keeping your hands off me." I swatted Nobunaga's hand. He looked at me in stunned silence.

It wasn't just him; the whole room went quiet.

Hideyoshi: " ... Do you know what you just did?"

Mai: "I defended myself from grabby hands, like any normal person would."

Hideyoshi: "You think striking your lord is normal?!"

I'd barely nudged Nobunaga, but the way Hideyoshi was trembling, you'd think I went at him with a hack saw!

Ieyasu: "Wonderful. The new girl just set Hideyoshi off."

Masamune: "Lass? Now's a good time to apologize to Hideyoshi."

Mai: "Apologize o Hideyoshi? I didn't 'hit' him. Yet."

I'd apologize for 'striking' Nobunaga – I didn't want trouble on my first day. Trouble, however, seemed to have other ideas.

Hideyoshi: "A thousand deaths couldn't atone for your crime!"

Mai: "One death seals the deal on me being able to atone, actually! ...Oh, God. You're serious!"

Hideyoshi took one angry step toward me. Two pairs of arms latched onto him from behind.

Mitsuhide: "Hideyoshi, not on her first day."

Ieyasu: "You seriously need to calm down."

Hideyoshi: "Let go of me! You saw what she did! How am I supposed to remain calm?" (So it's not just me? Even the locals think you're overreacting?)

Hideyoshi: "People would kill to be in your position, serving Lord Nobunaga! What are you hiding?!"

Mai: "How could I be hiding anything? You've been watching me almost non-stop since I got here!"

Hideyoshi: "Fine. Play innocent. I'll get the truth out of you!" Hideyoshi shook off both Mitsuhide and Ieyasu and drew his sword. Their shocked expressions matched my own. "This is your last chance to explain yourself, Mai."

Cold steel was at my throat—

Nobunaga: "Enough of this!"

Hideyoshi froze at Nobunaga's words. He had the decency to look abashed .I was able to breathe again. It was Hideyoshi's turn to look out of place.

Nobunaga: "Put your sword away. Hideyoshi. This woman is to remain by my side, unharmed. That order stands whether you find her suspicious or not.

Hideyoshi: "Yea, my lord. My apologies." Hideyoshi spoke through clenched teeth. He sheathed his sword and dropped to a penitent knee.

How did I live through that? Hideyoshi's loyalty, the same thing that almost gt me killed, just saved me.

Nobunaga: "Our formal introduction is complete. Mitsunari, see Mai back to her room."

I was only too happy to get out of there.

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