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Name: Dixie Sophia Seavey

Age: 24 (DOB: March 28, 1997)(Yes she's older than Chris)

Looks: short blonde hair, blue eyes, fair skin, tattoos

Likes: smoothies, Christian, wearing Christian's clothes, traveling, making music with him, drawing, writing, playing the ukulele, food, candy, animals, being hippie-ish, working out, reading

Dislikes: meat (she's vegan), snickers, spiders, snakes, kiwis, cauliflower, haters, fake fans, people who think they are better than others, her anxiety getting the best of her

Traits: hippie like, musician, smart, compassionate, passionate, caring, loyal, nice, positive, shyish, artistic, have a mother type trait

Relationship(s): Christian Collins (boyfriend of 10 years)

Family: Christian Seavey (twin brother), Daniel Seavey (younger brother), Anna Seavey (younger sister), Tyler Seavey (older brother), Keri Seavey (mother), Jeff Seavey (father)

Nicknames: Sophia (main), Soph (the girls), Dix, Love, Babe/Baby (all four by Chris)

Nicknames for Chris: Bebe, Bubs & Bubba

Her tattoos👇🏻

Her tattoos👇🏻

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Her hair👇🏻

Her hair👇🏻

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⏰ Last updated: May 22, 2021 ⏰

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