Chapter 9- Love Drug

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Mina hated days when Chibs was at Red Woody or Diosa. She hated that he was hanging around porn stars and prostitutes who didn't know their place. Already on her way to Red Woody, she called him and asked if she could stop by for a little bit, knowing he would say 'aye'. 

Stepping out of her car, she could hear the music coming from inside the studio. Lyla walked over and asked if she wanted to see the rough cut they had been working on, but Mina politely declined. "Well, if you change your mind," Lyla mused, strutting back to her director's chair. 

The club was sitting around the bar, drinking and laughing at the day's successes of the gun run. She noticed that Chibs wasn't with them. Tig pulled her into a side hug as she got closer. "Hey, doll. How's it going?" he asked, alcohol reeking off his breath.

"Fine," she smiled for a second. "Where's Chibs?"

"Dealing with a porn problem," Happy grunted. Mina didn't like the sound of that, raising her eyebrows into her forehead. Looking up at Tig, he didn't say anything to her, just picked up his beer and slowly took a sip. 

Turning back to Happy, she asked coldly, "And where is he dealing with this porn problem?"

"Back office," he said, pointing to the door.

"Mina-" Tig started but she was already walking away. "Really, man?" Happy just shrugged, turning to watch the show about to unfold. "I hate it when Mommy and Daddy fight."

She listened through the door and heard Chibs talking quietly and a girl giggle. She saw red behind her eyes. Calmly, she knocked on the door, suppressing the anger with the little control she had left. She heard Chibs say, "Aye?" and turned the doorknob, feeling her heart in her throat. She saw Chibs sitting at the head of the table, his reading glasses on the brim of his nose, and a brunette girl she had never seen before sitting next to Chibs. She was too close to him for Mina's liking. "What's up, love?" he asked, taking his glasses off. 

The girl stood up and said, "You're gonna have to wait to get a minute with Chibby. We're busy right now." She took a step to the side, standing behind him, and slid her hands down his chest. Mina's eyes widened with anger as she leaned forward and whispered, "Right, baby?" in Chibs's ear.

Mina charged into the room, grabbing a fistful of her hair, and slamming her face into the table. "Mina!" Chibs yelled, pulling her off. Mina managed to get away from him and was sitting on the girl's stomach, punching her in the face. "Mina!" he yelled again, avoiding Mina's elbow as she drew back. 

He picked her up and held her, stepping away from the bloody girl on the floor. Mina was flailing around, trying to get back to her. She stood up and tried to swing at Mina, but missed when Chibs turned. He set Mina down and stood between them, both of them reaching around him to hit the other. Someone cleared their throat and I turned to look and see the club standing at the door, looking in at them. 

Lyla was in the front of the back. Hitching her thumb over her shoulder, she said to the girl, "Get back to work." She walked out past Lyla and the club holding her nose. Chibs grabbed Mina's shoulder and pushed her down in one of the chairs at the table. "Are you gonna handle this or am I?" Lyla asked Chibs.

"I go' it," he answered, crossing his arms and staring down at Mina.

The club left, laughing and shaking their heads. Chibs walked over to the cabinet and grabbed the first aid kit. He went back, sitting next to Mina, and picked up her hand, wrapping her knuckles. "I'm sorry," she sighed. He didn't say anything to her, didn't even look at her. "Chibs?" He kept cleaning and wrapping her hand. "Baby?"

He stood up and grabbed under her arm, lifting her up. "Let's go," he ordered, walking her out. Dragging Mina through the porn studio, the club averted their eyes while the porn stars looked at them. 

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