Chapter 4

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Its monday and As usual , Taeyong and his friends are huddled in one of their favorite spots in their campus , the parking lot.

Ten And Johnny are busy snuggling , Yuta is busy tapping his phone , smiling weirdly  , Jaehyun is talking with Kun , one of their classmates about some project and Taeyong is listening to Mark's endless rumbling about Haechan.

"Hyung I am so inlove " he clutched his heart dramatically and Taeyong rolled his eyes at him.

"Hey Yuta stop smiling like a creep and share to us what's going on " Ten said while his head is on Johnny's shoulder. He is not really a part of their circle , but since he's dating johnny he always hung out with them.

Yuta throwed Him an annoyed look but continued smiling when he checked his phone again.

"you look pathetic, are you texting someone ? let me see?" Jaehyun grabbed his phone despite of Yuta's protest. They fought but obviously Jaehyun won as Yuta's lanky body is no match to him.

"Dong Sicheng ? Who is this dude? havent heard of him before" Jaehyun said and throw the phone back to Yuta which he luckily catch.

Yuta smiled again and Just shrugged.

"My brother's tutor " - he answered shortly. The brother that he is talking about is Shotaro , he knew him because he is one of Haechan's closest friend.

"Seriously Yuta?A tutor? You're even doing nerds now? what happened ? tired of girls from the cheering squad? " - Johnny teased him.

But Yuta Glared at him

"shut up Sicheng is different. and we are not dating ---- not yet."

"Hold up you mean Dong Sicheng as in Dong Sicheng from traditional Dance department right? - Kun joined the conversation.

"Yes you know him??? "  Yuta beamed.

"Yeah , did you know that He is Yukhei's cousin?" - asked Kun

and that caught Taeyong's attention.

Yukhei's cousin?

Its impossible right? It might be another cousin he thought.

"Yeah he mentioned that to me yesterday when I fetched Shotaro , he works in Kitty cafe , you know ? the one owned by Yoongi Sunbaenim. "

Oh hell no.

Taeyong opened his phone and Typed in the name in the search bar of his instagram.

Dong Sicheng.

There's only one result found and the profile is private. But the display picture is him.

His Winwin.

"Hyung are you okay? You look pale " - Mark asked noticing Taeyong's odd behavior.

"Yeah I gotta go , my head is aching." He didnt wait for the others response and he went inside his car quickly drove away from his confused friends.

Once he got home , he opened his instagram account again. and searched for the same name , he tapped the follow request button. Since the only thing he can see on his profile is the picture of him holding a cat . He opened facebook and typed
Dong Sicheng.

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