"Get this Stupid Sh*t over with"

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(A/N:) I know not many people read these but if you are just wanted to say I have no clue what I was going to write when I started so let me know your thoughts, please!

Blink, blink, blink, blink. Each time he attempted to open his eyes it got harder. Light. The only word he could think. All I see is white.

Hours earlier.

"Deku!" His bubbly brown-haired friend called from behind him. His last class of the day had just ended yet he still sat at his desk mumbling about who knows what? No one could ever understand a single thing he said during his 'fits' as his old classmates used to call them. They weren't the nicest people, he tried not to think about them. "Uraraka! Sorry, you startled me, haha.." He transferred into a small uncomfortable chuckle realizing he had forgotten to respond to her. "All good! Sorry for startling you!" She kept up her happy grin that he most definitely had to return. So, he gave her a quick little chuckle and picked up Hero Analysis #14 delicately placing it in the pockets of his pineapple yellow bookbag.

 "Anyways," The brunette continued, "Iida and I were wondering if you'd like to go out with us and the rest of the class to get Ice-cream! We wanted to do an afternoon get-together, other than just being in class or training!" She bobbed up and down as she talked keeping a glowing aura surrounding her. 

How could he turn down the invitation? Sure, he was new to this whole 'friends' thing, and every time he got the chance to go out with them they were attacked by villains. Anyways, what's the worst that could happen? They get attacked by villains? Because that would be a fair point. Guess what, he's a trouble magnet anyways so the hell with it.

"Sure! What time are we leaving? I should probably get back to the dorms to put my bag away then change into something more casual." He stood up slinging the yellow straps over his muscular shoulders doing a double check making sure he got everything he needed for tonight's homework.

"I think we made plans for around 5:30, so that should give everybody an hour to get ready and do what they need. We agreed to meet in the common room at that time so be there 'kay?" She waved as she ran to catch up with her other close classmates preparing to inform them as well of the afternoon plans.

He watched as she ran off giving a little laugh. I'm glad to have friends now, I feel much less lonely is all he could think before leaving the class. 

He made his way back to the dorms not slowing down. He had quite a bit to do between the time he gets into his dorm and when he leaves with the rest of his class. What was the mental list he prepared on his walk there again? Oh yeah, first to change and take a shower, then grab a quick snack, finish his math worksheet, then go on a jog. Damn, an hour is not long enough. Whatever, better not waste time whining and get this all over with and done so he's not late. The last thing he'd want is his classmates waiting on him.

An hour later.

Ugh, I'm so tired. I don't know if I'll last a whole trip especially if we're walking. He had just gotten back from his run with about 5 minutes to spare and clean himself up. When he walked into the common room he could already see about a dozen of them already there waiting for the rest to show up. Better hurry. He took a quick jog up the stairs and into his room taking out his earbuds and slipping his phone into the new pair of shorts he had just slipped on and made his way right back down the stairs with approximately 30 seconds to spare.

"There you are Deku!" She sprang herself over to him talking away, something about being worried if he'd make it on time but he couldn't focus, he was both mentally and physically exhausted. No. He couldn't let it show.

"Is everybody here yet?" He walked with Uraraka over to the large group of students that stood towards the front of the common room.

The short purple-haired girl walked over to the two, a yellow battery pack following her. "Glad to see you made it Midoriya, I think we're just waiting on Bakugou and Kirishima at this point." She looked around the room at everyone else as she talked.

"Yeah, what flavor Ice-cream are you guys going to get!" Denki flung his arms over Jiro's shoulders only to be grabbed and be flipped over her shoulder. "Ahhhh!!" He screamed as he landed on his back looking up at his three classmates. "Ouch! What was that for?" She only looked down at him with cold eyes, "Don't touch me Kaminari."

He only shuffled back quickly trying to escape her menacing glare. "Okay! Okay! I'm sorry! Please spare me!"

She looked him up and down bitterly contemplating what to do with him. "Hmm...fine. But you owe me 5 phone charges!" She held up 5 fingers on her right hand looking down at him, phone in her left. "Okay..." He mumbled out saying something along the lines of  'I'd have to do it anyways..' Afterward making Jiro shocks him with one of her earphone jacks.

Uraraka and him only laughed bits as they watched the tragic scene unfold in front of them. 

"Ugh! Do I have to go!" Bakugou and Kirishima walked down the stairs at that exact moment as if on queue. "C'mon Bakubro it'll be fun! We'll even be back before your 8 o'clock bedtime!" Bakugou just grumbled before realizing what he said, little explosions popping on his palms as he got angrier. "The hell'd you just say to me shitty hair!" Before he could throw a few punches at his crimson-haired friend Mina yelled at them from across the room.

"Stop taking the time princesses we were waiting on you!" She waved them over keeping an aggressive stance. "What the hell did you just call me?" He prepared himself to go throw down when a certain green-haired boy called out.

"Kacchan! Can we please just go, and you stop fighting with everyone!" There was a sudden irritation in his voice that only Bakugo could recognize. He hadn't heard Deku like this since early Junior High and he shivered just remembering that day. 

Everyone was certain that Bakugou was going to explode in his face, because from what they had heard Deku had just got some confidence. "Fine, whatever. Let's just get this stupid shit over with."

(1139 Words)

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