A Familiar Scream

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After the initial shock from Bakugous response wore off no one dared to tease him about it. They all took off for the Ice-cream parlor not wasting the daylight left.

"So.." Uraraka had worked up the courage to say something to Izuku about what had happened in the common room. "What.. what was that all about?"

Now remind you Izuku is no idiot. He had gone through years and years of torment in Elementary, and Junior High. This had only happened three different times in the past, once when he found out he was Quirkless, the second time when someone talked shit about All Might in Elementary, and finally once at the very beginning of Junior High but no one ever knew the reason for that one. He hadn't been in one of these 'moods' in years but for Katsuki this wasn't his first time seeing this. It was no surprise that he had quickly shut up when he noticed the slight irritation in Izukus tone.

"Hm? What do you mean what was that?" He decided to play dumb and try to ignore the subject with all of his friends.

"Whatever, it was probably nothing anyway!" She'd have to come back to the subject later on when she was alone with him but didn't want to ruin their Ice-cream trip. 

"We're here!" Said Momo from the front of the group. "My family owns this Ice-cream parlor so I had them clear it out for the day so we could have it to ourselves!" There were a few mumbles across the group saying things like 'of course you own it' or 'wish I had the kind of money for that'. 

Iida then walked up to Momo stiffly turning towards the class. "Make sure to thank Yaoyorozu on your own terms when you get the chance. Not only did she insist everyone wouldn't have to pay but this will also decrease the chances of any villain encounters. Remember if you find anything suspicious or run into a villain, do not fight if possible! Call over the nearest Pro and alert your classmates."

Finally, he set his chopping arms on his sides and opened the doors finishing the minute-long lecture. "Midoriya, would you like to sit with me?" His dual-haired friend approached him asking.

"Oh! Todoroki! I'd love to! Can Uraraka join us?" He motioned towards her, were she was now looking at Todoroki hopefully. It would be rude to not also sit by the person who invited you and had been trailing you the whole way here.

"That is quite alright, what are you going to get?" He made his attempt at small talk as the trio made their way over to the counter to give their orders.

"Hmm... I'm not sure! Maybe Mint Chocolate Chip or just regular Vanilla! I like both a bunch!" He began to mumble over the choices from which would either be more 'logical' or 'strategic. Truly none of it mattered that much but his friends listened (I mean the best they could considering they couldn't really understand what he was saying) but they didn't interrupt him or make fun of him in any negative ways. 

"Well, I think I'm just going to get a Strawberry Vanilla swirl on a cone." He thought carefully and saying his order in a serious tone. Izuku couldn't help himself from breaking out into a little giggle which transformed into both Uraraka and him hysterically laughing.

"T-Todoroki-" He had to break mid-sentence to laugh and hold onto the counter so he didn't topple over. "hahaha, it's just like your hair!" Todoroki flushed at the statement just now realizing what he'd been ordering his whole life.

"Alright, " Izuku said, both him and Uraraka getting a grip on themselves and starting to breathe normally again. "We should probably order before the sun goes down and everybody leaves," Izuku said ordering a Vanilla cone. Uraraka followed this action ordering a Chocolate for herself.

The three made their way out to the outdoor seats to enjoy their Ice-cream. On their way, they spotted some of their classmates who'd made the same decision to enjoy the sunset while others stayed inside since it was a bit chilly. 

They ate in a comfortable silence cracking a joke or minor conversation every few minutes only to be interrupted by taking another lick at their cones.

Suddenly, a crash and scream could be heard no more than 20 meters away. They all were immediately on their toes scanning the area in attempts the figure out the situation. Everyone else outside was doing the same, some even dropping their sweet treat in the process. The commotion was loud enough that even the ones inside were able to hear and made their way to observe quickly.

"Please, do not get involved. I am sure Pro's have arrived at whatever the situation was and it is most likely just a small-time villain." Iida said standing straight as a stick a few tables over from their trio. Everyone agreed with him either nodding their heads or sitting down to finish their deserts most returning to their conversations from before.

Izuku decided the last thing he needed was to get involved in another situation and get yet another lecture from his homeroom teacher. Well, that was what he thought until he heard it. That. That was the last thing he ever wanted to hear in his entire life. 

His mother. 

The next scream that was heard was unmistakably is elderly mothers. The mother he loved so dearly. The only family he knew to have existed. All he could do was sit there stunned for about five seconds before Todoroki snapped him out of it.

"Midoriya, are you...alright?" He asked clearly worried since whatever expression Izuku was making clearly freaked both his friends out. 

"M-mother..." Was all he could spit out before charging up around 15% of One for All, the green sparks circling him at fast speeds. Before anyone even knew what he had said, he was gone. Only a half-finished cone of Ice-cream now laying spilled across the table he sat at to resemble he was there.

He ran as if nothing else mattered. Which was about accurate. His mother, the one who had brought him into this world and cared for him with her whole heart since day one was in trouble. He rounded the corner in a matter of seconds seeing dozens of people screaming and running the opposite way. In the center of it all, he saw that non-mistakable viridian hair tied off in a half bun as always. Before he had time to think he grabbed any surrounding civilians taking them a safe distance leaving only a weird-looking villain, his mother, and him in the center of it all.

Not a single hero insight. Where the hell could they be? They have to at least know what's going on here! He didn't get much time to think before he was interrupted by a voice that was not only raspy but seemingly... excited? 

"Izuku Midoriya! Or should I call you by that lame excuse of a hero name 'Deku'!" He mocked keeping hold and a knife to his mother who struggled to get away to no avail. 

"Stop squirming you old bitch!" He kicked her in the shin making her yelp as Deku's facial expression got more serious. It seemed as if she had just realized he was there finally making eye contact with him.

"I-Izuku! Please go! I d-don't want y-you hurt!" The tight hold around her neck didn't stop her from instructing her son to leave.

As much as he didn't want to he couldn't have her feelings about him saving her getting in the way, so he ignored her flat out. "What do you want with my mother and I, sense it's obvious that you're holding her hostage to get me to show up!"

"Ooh! Shigaraki did say you were smart, but I surely didn't you expect you to figure that out so soon!" It seemed as if he got more excited the angrier Izuku got so he took a few deep breathes to calm himself.

"I should have known you were with the league.." He said taking a quick glance behind him spotting all of his class catching up with what was going on.

(1391 Words)

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