Woke up

8 0 0

I woke up.

How unfortunate.

I missed him.

My kitten xD

He's not dead

He's just sitting next to me on his phone

I'm in the hospital bed

Why you ask?

Because you stupid bum bum can't read this story

Honestly what is it with ppl

Like just read

Or maybe you failed kindergarten

I didn't even finish kindergarten and look at me

#1 best selling author In my imagination

I'm better than Shel Silverstein

I may have only wrote one story but I'm taking a poopoo


Stop saying you can't read when I know you can

Suna would be disappointed in you idiots

Also remember to read in an accent

It adds to the whole aesthetic

I love the way minnie reads it

So quirky


Back to Suna...

Just kidding I'm kidnapping you...

Ok ok bye bye for now.

Sunanami Rataro x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now