Chapter 1

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It was no ordinary day not only was it smack dab in the middle of the girl's summer holiday, But it was a day they would never forget for the rest of time or maybe just until some famous singer goes on tour and they are begging their parents to go. 


Nayvee-jean was scrolling through TikTok when she came across pregnancy test roulette, which is when a group of friends all take a test to find out if they are pregnant and then all their test get put on one surface or in one cup and then all the friends each chose one test and they check the results all at once. 

She decided then and there that she and the girls were going to be doing this at their weekly sleepover. She messages the girls to ask how they felt about the pregnancy test roulette

*girls group chat 

Nayvee-Jean: hey ladies, sleepover at my house tonight don't forget we all get to chose one activity to do tonight and I was wondering how you all felt about doing a pregnancy test roulette.

Kaylee-Rayne: hiiiii, you lovely lot I might be a little late tonight as I'm spending the day with Bryce but I'm down for the roulette if you all are and since I'm basic my activity suggestion is a movie and popcorn.  

Demi-Jayne: Well well if it isn't my peeps finally messaging about something I'm remotely interested in. I'm down to do the roulette thing but only if we can all write a letter to my dad and brother who are in prison and see who they reply back to first.

Brooklyn-Jayde:  What's up girls, I'm down to do it too since everyone else is and I don't know what we can do but for Luc shake, I suggest a pillow fight.

All 3 of the others: haha so funny, you always suggest that on Luc's behalf and we never do it so maybe we should just to see what Luc suggest next time.   

Brooklyn-Jayde: oh please you know if we feed into this fantasy of Luc's that this is what girls do at sleepovers he will just take it a step further next time with what he suggest. 

Nayvee-Jean: yh you are probably right, anyway, I will see you, girls, in a couple of hours then.

Brooklyn-Jayde, Demi-Jayne, Kaylee-Rayne: Byeee 

end of text chain*

A few hours go by and Nayvee has been and got everything the girls need for the night's antics and is now setting up for the night.


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⏰ Last updated: Apr 20, 2021 ⏰

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