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Ronald Billius Weasley is very different than Cassiopeia Narcissa Malfoy.

He has friends who care about him, his feelings, his ambitions, his hopes, his dreams while Cassiopeia has friends who cares what she and her money can do for them.

Ron has loving parents who encourage him to do what he wants (providing it is within the law) while Cassiopeia has cold and distant parents who tell her that all she can do with her life is to marry well, be a good wife and mother.

Ron is poor in money but rich in heart while Cassiopeia is rich in money and poor in heart or so people think. Cassiopeia actually has a heart of pure gold. She never lets it show because she was taught to treat anyone who wasn't a purist pureblood like trash because they are trash.

Ron is a Gryffindor and Cassiopeia is a Slytherin.

They are polar opposites and well you know what they say about opposites. They attract.

This is their story. The story of how a small potion mishap changed their lives. Some would argue for the worse, but they will tell you it was for the better. Why don't you listen to the story and decide for yourself if their lives changed for the better or for the worse.

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