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Two beings clashed, one with a golden glow of chaotic magic that had this never ending feeling of warmth, the other, was a contorting mass of malevolence, that had this intoxicating presence that had an uncaring nature to any that were in the vicinity of it. As these celestial titans battled in this never ending void, their magical aura of havoc magic and abyssal magic clashed off each other and seemed to create something new in this void. A small glow that got bigger and bigger as they clashed before exploding and the energy expanding to create the first star, neither being taking notice the universe created because of their actions, because it did not matter to them.

This cycle of violence continued neither caring for what was happening outside the battle, only wanting the destruction of counterpart. This stalemate continued with neither gaining ground upon the other, until in their arrogance, they placed all their magical power in to this final attack on both to hopefully end this unending fight. They unleashed their powerful attacks at each other, the power clashing in the center of them, noticing that they weren't gaining ground on the other, placing more power into the their attack unknowingly sealing their fate, their collision of magic started draining them of their reserves, before finally they stopped attacking just to try and keep what little magic they have left.

the orb of mage destabilized and imploded sending beings crashing down to the planet near them before stabilizing, transporting itself to the planet bellow, waiting for being who is worthy of it's power. The once powerful being crashed into the planet in two separate areas from each other, the being havoc awoke and looked to where it was, they were in a plain field with short grass with some flowers and a dirt path leading north and south. As it tried to understand what happened, it suddenly convulsed in pain, it noticed that its reserves of magical energy were completely depleted, it checked what was happening and in shock that it fading away. it looking around frantically, trying to see if it could stop or at least halt what was happening to it, when it suddenly felt something nearby, it felt familiar yet different to it. Cautiously, it got up from where it was laying and when towards the feeling and came across a small building with a small boy outside playing with small orb of magic. It noticed the magical orb was red in colour but had bluish tint around it, with this cold but comforting feeling coming from it, they snuck behind the boy trying not to startle them when it notice that the origin of the bluish came from boy itself noticing the energy swirling him.

making its decision its hand on the boys shoulder and transferred itself into the boy to survive, the boy looked after feeling something his shoulder but after looking and seeing nothing, stopped using his magic and went inside. The havoc being felt itself stop fading after placing itself within boy and waited for when time came to take over the being it lived in now. As the years past the being watched the grow up and experience things it never once dreamed of, such curiosity of new things and learning about the planet it now resided on. the planet was called harmonious, it has species called humans and a species called mythic being the dominant races on the planet. 

The species of his host was human but did have mythic friends the the being could study, they came in all shapes and sizes, being an animal that seemed to walk on to legs, they seemed to come in wolves, lions, horses, cats, dogs, and many other species of animals that it hasn't seen yet. the being also noticed that they called each other different things called names that are personal said being, it was then it decided to give itself a name, it called itself voc. As the years passed and the boy grew older, Voc noticed he was quite fond of the beings that surrounded them, they weren't as strong as he was when he had all his magical power and once he retrieved it, he could feel the rest of his magical power on this planet but couldn't pinpoint where it was, they were strong in their own ways, some were fast, talented and physically strong. Compared to what power he had before they would be like ants under them, yet they still existed and persevered throw hardship.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 08, 2022 ⏰

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