Avocato moves in

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Caramel comes running: Daddy!

Tops: Caramel! *hugs her*

Cream- ( Smiles ) Hi , sweetie. I thought you and Parfait were playing

Caramel: I was until I saw this ship and-*sees L.C*

L.C. looks and blushes pink at the beautiful caramel furred bunny

Caramel: Oh... H-Hello.

L.C - H-hiya.

Caramel: I'm Caramel.

L.C.- I'm Little Cato.

Caramel: Cute name.

The Ventrexian blushes light red and looks away light red.

L.C.-.Really ? Thank you.

Cream- ( Smiles ) Aww , honey. Look

Tops looks*

He sees Caramel giggling as she talks to Little Cato.

Tops: Awwwww! My little girl found love!

Cream- OUR little girl , Topsy~

Tops: Sorry. *has tears* I'm so happy! *cries*

Cream smiles and kisses his cheeks before wiping his tears.

Tatyana- Hey , babe

Jason: Yes?

Tatyana- You know Avocato seems to be really tough like you ? But he has that sexy voice~

Jason: Want me to change my voice?

Tatyana- Noooo , babe !

Tatyana presses her hands against his pecs of steel

Jason: Oh!

Tatyana- I love the way you sound~ I love the way you act b and I LOVE the way your body is so--Oh , greek god like~

Jason: Oh babe....

Tatyana looks at him.

Jason kisses her*

Tatyana- Mm !

Jason gives her a loving kiss*

Tatyana closes her eyes and kisses him back.

Tatyana- Remind me again why you fell in love with me~

Jason: Cause your so sexy and hot.

Tatyana- You want to know why Infell in love with you ?~

Jason: Yes?

Tatyana- Because you are the hottest weasel I have ever met. The way you flirt with me when you get the chance , they wat you show off your shades , everytime you work out I blush red , whenever you flex your muscles I tremble....

Jason: Whoa.

Tatyana- And after everytime we argue we always make up... The way we make live to each other whenever we want. But , most of all is because you have a big heart that's devoted to me

Jason: Oh babe, kiss me.

Tatyana- ( Smiles lovingly ) With pleasure , baby~

Tatyana then kisses Jason on the lips with warm passion and love , the same feelings he reciprocates by kissing back.

With Malikai and Avocato...

Malikai: And this house has a pool outside and in Dark town, my personal robots make food at the resturant over there.

Avocato- Wow. Impressive.

Malikai hands him the key to his new house: Enjoy your new home.

Avocato- Thanks. I'm sure I will.

Then, Luci pops up from Malikai's shirt smoking a cigarette

Malikai: Luci, what's up?

Luci- Nothing much. Just checking in.

Avocatox Who is that odd Ventrexian?

Malikai: This is my personal demon Luci.

Avocato- Oh.

Luci- What's up , pussycat ?

Avocato- Call me that and I will kill you. I ak not a cat , I'm a Ventrexian

Malikai: That's true Luci.

Luci- My bad. You look like a cat.

Avocato- Yeah. I get that a lot.

Malikai: And everyone thinks Luci is a cat but he's not.

Luci- True that.

Avacato- ( Chuckles ) I can see why. So , what's it like here in this toonverse ?

Malikai: It's full of crazy adventures, believe me.

Zahn comes carrying the pained Tina*

Zahn: Malikai! It's time!

Luci- Already ? Malikai , your sister is going into labor

Malikai: To the hospital!

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