Chapter Seven

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"Charlie, wake up"



The soundly sleeping blonde startles at the deep yell, jerking upright in her bed and staring around wildly. Her blue eyes find two men standing beside her, both incredibly familiar. Scott and Avery stare down at the woman who is still twisted up in the sheets and drenched in sweat. She pushes back the blankets and swings her shaky legs around to hang off the edge. It isn't until she brings her full attention to the two men that she realizes Avery has a hand resting on her shoulder, allowing her to borrow some of his energy as discreetly as possible.

"Scott," Charlie begins breathlessly and sighs. She clears her throat and try again. "Scott, what are you doing here?"

"I tried calling but you didn't answer," he says hesitantly. His dark eyes glance between the tired, barely dressed blonde and the shirtless man with low hanging sweats hanging off his hips and can't help the suspicion settling in. "It's not like you not to answer so I got worried."

Charlie forces herself to her feet, the oversized t-shirt that she once stole from Derek sliding down to land right above her knees. She smiles softly at him. "I'm okay. Just a little tired."

"So tired you didn't hear the phone?" He asks, still staring from the pale woman and tan man. Charlie notices.

"Scott, this is Avery. He helped me try and find my mother over in Europe," she says.

"And he followed you brought him home?" The teenager asks in an almost Stiles-like fashion.

Avery, who had been entirely quiet and expressionless, cracks a smirk at the boy's skepticism. He raises an eyebrow at Charlie who merely does her best to ignore him. They hadn't come up with a viable excuse as to why he came back to the states with her. Now, though, a reason runs through her brain and she grabs onto it before it can get away.

"He's been helping me with the new developments in my abilities," she says simply.

Scott sighs and runs a hand through his hair. "We're gonna come back to that one but first we need to talk about Stiles."

At the mention of the spastic boy who has been occupying her dreams at night, all remnants of fatigue leave her. "What about Stiles? Is he okay?" Out of the corner of her eye, Avery's green eyes narrow at the conversation at hand as he wonders how taxing it will be on his blonde friend. Those green eyes flicker to the clock on her bedside. It won't be long before she needs the herbal concoction that keeps her alert and able to help during waking hours.

"Do you remember when we sacrificed ourselves for our parents?" He asks and the blonde frowns.


"Well, it did something to us," Scott begins.

Avery sighs. "Let's move this conversation into the living area so we can sit down." He stares pointedly at Charlie. "I'll make some tea or something."

Scott turns his back onto the two as he leads them to her couch. He doesn't see Avery assist Charlie's mildly weak form from one room to the next. It's one thing for her to stand up by herself after waking but she usually requires some assistance to get around until he's able to give her the herbal tea. When Scott sits on the couch, nervously pulling at his hands, Avery pulls his hands away from the blonde. He may not agree with the facade she's putting up around the people she cares about but he won't be the one to out her. If need be, he will help her take this secret to her grave.

"I'll be right back," Avery says after making sure she's safely in her chair.

Charlie turns her complete attention to Scott. "Deaton said that it wouldn't be without consequence-- that there would be a darkness in your hearts afterwards."

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