4; Paper Cranes And Savory Lips

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They keys were not to the car out front, but they were to the Kei truck in the parking lot behind the store

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They keys were not to the car out front, but they were to the Kei truck in the parking lot behind the store. It probably belonged to the zombified delivery man Tomura had shot. While the two men loaded the truck, Katsuki took the chance to get something that the two could. They had been living, quite literally, on ramen and easily made sandwiches. Katsuki located a bag or rice and the last jug of purified water. They already had some but why waste that when there's more here? He spotted canned miso soup. A quick search on his phone showed that the soup lasted very long in the can, in fact all canned goods did, so he grabbed a few cans of it. That seemed about good. For extra measure, he also picked up a  handful of salt packets from the hot food area and shoved them into his front pockets. 

"Where's the pans?" he muttered, pacing the aisles. "Oh" He grabbed one, They were all the same size, annoyingly small, but they could be used. Katsuki, pan in hand, placed the items, aside from the water, in a plastic bag from the register. He set both the water and the bag on the counter then went back to aisle one for plastic gloves. He tore open a package and slipped on a pair, he stuffed another pair or two into his pocket before heading back to the zombie bodies. He searched the zombie woman's body until he found her ID, then moved to the back of the store to search the other two's bodies. In total, he had three IDs. Katsuki pushed them into his back pocket before going back for the things on the counter, pulling the gloves off on the way. 

Katsuki, despite often coming off as uncaring and a bully, always collected the IDs of those he killed. His reasoning was that those people needed to be remembered and known about. The sacrifices that fate had decided to use. Katsuki made Dabi and Tomura collect them when he wasn't there. He had started doing this when Yuuei put him on the front of zombie fighting. No one noticed that he started collecting IDs. Katsuki figured that they thought he was collecting trophies. 

He hadn't seen them in months. They probably thought he was dead. With a humourless chuckle, he pushed the door open and left the store, walking to where Tomura and Dabi stood. 

"Hi, Doll. Do you wanna be in the back or front?"

"Back. Actually wait; who's driving?"

Dabi raised his hand, "That'd be me"

"Then back, sorry Lovie, but I don't trust your driving skills" Tomura pouted and Katsuki found himself staring at the man's lips. Dabi patted his head and bent down to whisper in his ear. 

"Try out the chapstick, Kitty, here lemme get it" Dabi turned back and reached into the truck before tucking the chapstick into Katsuki's jacket pocket.

"Thanks" Katsuki mumbled, moving forward to place his items into the truck's passenger seat. When he was done, he turned back to Dabi, who placed a chaste, delicate kiss onto his lips. 

"Kitten, we're probably gonna be staying at a house tonight. That okay with you?"

Katsuki nodded, "Mmhm, that's fine, as long as no one else is there, that'd be weird"

"Okay, now hop up, Tomu's waiting for you" Katsuki grinned and jogged to the back. Tomura was indeed waiting for him, gun on the bed of the truck next to him. Katsuki jumped up, placing his pipe on the floor. He shrugged off his backpack and pushed it up so that it was against the cab of the truck, he slid his pipe up with it. As Dabi started the truck, Katsuki moved to sit across from Tomura. 

"I got somethin' for you, Lovie" He smiled, pulling out the vanilla chapstick and handing it to the man. "Put it on, I wanna taste" he murmured, Tomura did as told. Katsuki watched with interest as the man applied multiple players of the vanilla flavored chapstick. When it was done, Tomura capped the tube and tucked it away. Katsuki swayed as Dabi started driving, scooting forward so that his knees touched Tomura's. 

"Come 'ere" He murmured, letting Tomura come to him. They connected, Katsuki waiting a moment before his tongue peaked out for a taste. Tomura seemed to like that, sighing into the kiss. Katsuki felt hands wind around his neck and couldn't help but groan. The hands tightened and Katsuki kissed harder, loving it. He let his tongue travel past the man's lips and taste his mouth. The salt and vinegar taste was still there, bitter and sour, but in an addicting way. Despite the fact that Katsuki had hands on his neck, Tomura was the one who pulled away first, removing his hands from Katsuki's throat. 

"You taste so fucking good, Love" Katsuki breathed, licking his own lips as if he couldn't live without the taste. He leaned in for another kiss, Tomura meeting him halfway. He wished he'd had this life before. Hero or Villain. He didn't care. Not anymore.

[the truck up top is a Kei truck btw]

Word Count: 886

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