Chapter Six Black Grove

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With a final slash Cory finished off the last training dummy, burning it to a crisp. "As much as I hate to admit it, you aren't too bad for a newbie," Jet said walking down to the arena. Cory put the Scythe on his back, "It ain't normal for you to small talk with me, what's up," he said. Jet smirked, "Don't you have a keen eye," he said, smugly. "Listen, I have to get my new weapons over at the Weapon smith. Since you're new I have almost no doubt you're gonna need to go there after your first mission,". Cory couldn't tell if he was complimenting him or insulting him. "You didn't do this off your own free will did you, someone forced you to,". Said Cory with a smirk on his face. "What makes you think that," Jet exclaimed, his face getting red. Cory held his mouth to giggle a bit, "What did Aqua make you do to talk to me huh," Cory asked getting closer. "Nothing! She did nothing," Jet said, frantically. Cory knew that Aqua had done something to him, because he saw Aqua walk in and Jet back out with a face as red as a tomato. "Whatever you say man," Cory said, toweling himself off. "You coming or what newbie," Jet asked. Cory nodded and said, "Eh what the hell, the only problem would be that I'm with you,". Jet glared at Cory, but it didn't phase him. "Let's go," Jet said, storming off. Cory ran up to catch up with him.

As they got to the spiral staircase Jet began to fly up, while Cory was going to walk up. Jet started to laugh, "What's so funny," Cory asked, looking up at Jet. "You don't have any way of transportation do you," Jet said laughing. "I do, but if I use it this staircase won't be here," Cory replied. "These staircases can take a beating, just go for it you wimp,". Jet said flying up. Enraged, Cory set his feet on the ground, and leaped up with the explosion. When he reached the top, in the small second that he had, he moved his legs to face the back of the cave, and made another explosion pushing him out of the cave, and into Jet. Jet was then sent flying, but he was able to stop himself. "Hey!," Jet screamed. "What the hell was that for!,". Cory smirked and said, "Whoops,". Jet grunted and flew in front of Cory, "Don't try it again, it won't end well for you," he said glaring at him. Cory sighed, "Where is this place anyway,". Jet pointed to Cory's right, "Over in that direction, see if you can keep up," Jet said flying off. Cory smirked, "Bring it on," he said to himself as he bursted after him. One burst carried him about 3 miles, so it didn't take long for him to catch up. Jet looked backwards to see Cory gaining on him fast. "Basterd," Jet said under his breath. "I'll show you newbie,". Jet then picked up the pace going faster and faster, and in response Cory gained more and more on him. Jet then realized that once they got to the town, Cory wasn't gonna have a way to slow down. He had to act fast. He picked up the pace to about as fast as he could go, and got to the town pretty easy. His plan was to tackle Cory with more force from his wind than his explosions. "I should be able to stop him without anyone noticing us," he thought to himself. He stood ready for Cory to appear. Then, after about 20 seconds, he saw a tiny spec of light. That was all he needed to go full force straight at Cory. Then, like someone hitting a gong, Jet tackled Cory and made a loud bang sound, and a wave of air afterwards. To the people down below however, it only felt like a gust of wind. "GAH," Cory shouted when he got tackled. Jet then pushed him into the ground about a mile away. "Whoops," Jet said, smirking. Cory staggered to get himself up, "What the hell was that for," he yelled. "It was so you didn't crash into the town idiot. People don't know about us, and we wanna keep it that way. Got it?," Jet said. Cory nodded. "Alright, come on, It's time you met Ruby,". Jet said running off. Cory got up, and tried to catch up to Jet.

Before they walked into town Cory took a step back. "Hey wait a minute," Cory said, putting his arm in front of Jet. "What's up newbie," he said, smirking. Cory sighed and said, " Wouldn't we look weird if I ran in with a scythe on my back," Cory said. Jet laughed and said, "You see, this village isn't like any other town back in the suburban life that you knew before. Black Grove is a village of warriors that are trained to fight the shadows, so you'll be fine. Now get moving I don't want to be here too long,". Jet said walking in. Cory followed behind him. Just from looking around, Black Grove didn't seem like an average town. There were weapon smiths, what looked to be different potions and spell sort of things. Jet even bought one of the potions and chugged it like he was a frat kid at a college party. "What was that you just drank," Cory asked. "Black Grove coffee, it'll keep you up for about 2 days," Jet said, continuing on his path. "Wish I had some of that back when I was in school," Cory thought to himself. As they walked down they got to the very back of the village. Right beside the wall there was a staircase leading downward into the earth. "Here we are," Jet said looking downward. He sat there looking downwards. Cory was confused. "Are you gonna go down," Cory asked. "Y- Yeah I am just give me a minute,". Jet said, frantically. Cory chuckled and snapped his fingers, creating a tiny flame. "Better," Cory asked, going down the stairs. "H- Hey wait for me," Jet said running after Cory.

As they walked down Cory asked, "So you're afraid of the dark huh," Cory asked. "No, what makes you think that," Jet yelled. Cory chuckled, but then he heard something coming from the bottom. Jet made a scared noise and grabbed Cory. Cory put his hand on his scythe, ready to strike if needed. Then, a man appeared from the darkness, "Oh, hello Jet," said the man. Cory couldn't really see his face as even with the fire it was still pretty dark. Jet, still quivering in fear, jumped back to normal and brushed himself off. The man laughed and walked up the stairs. All Cory could see was a One handed sword on his back as he walked up the stairs. "Who was that, anyone you know," Cory asked. "Yeah, you'll find out soon enough, now keep moving," Jet said, stuttering a bit. Cory continued to go down, but to his surprise he was already at the bottom. He looked around to see a bunch of torches and in the corner of the room, was a woman dancing by what looked to be an anvil. She turned around and got pretty flustered and hid behind the anvil. "Oh no," Jet said, sighing. "What's the problem," Cory asked. Jet sighed and said, "Someone's got a crush,". 

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