If Todoroki was Cinderella

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Long ago, in a kingdom full of magic and wonder, there was a boy called Todoroki. Todoroki lived in a Château with his father and three siblings. His father, Endeavor, always treated Todoroki differently than his other kids. Endeavor seemed to think that Todoroki was the perfect child, but instead of treating him better, he did the opposite.

One day, when Todoroki and his family were sitting and enjoying breakfast, the mail came. "I'll get it." Todoroki said whilst getting up from the table. Todoroki was expecting just the usual bills, so when he saw that the envelope on top had the royal seal, his heart leaped. "I wonder why there is a letter from the castle here..." Todoroki said to himself. He was going to bring the letter to his father, but curiosity got the best of him, and he opened it. The letter said that there was going to be a ball at the royal castle on July 15th, to celebrate Prince Deku becoming of age. "So, the prince is turning 17, that's cool." Todoroki muttered. Todoroki stared at the letter for a little while longer, before realizing that he was probably taking too long.

Todoroki walked back into the room where the others were waiting for him. Todoroki was still staring at the letter while he placed the rest of the mail on the table. Endeavor noticed this, so he said, "What are you looking at, Shoto?" Todoroki just ignored his father and sat back down. Getting annoyed, Endeavor tried again, "Shoto what is that?" Todoroki looked at his father, then at the letter, then at his father again, before handing him the letter.

Endeavor read the letter then said, "The royal family is having a ball in honor of the Prince's birthday. Everyone in the kingdom is welcome. We need to get our best outfits, and we can go buy some if needed." Todoroki's eyes lit up as he asked, "Father, am I able to go to the ball?" Endeavor thought for a moment, then he replied, "Yes, but on one condition." Todoroki's heart sank. "For the next five days, you have to do all the chores, and then I may allow you to come." This made his heart sink even further.

So Todoroki did everyone's chores for the next five days. By the fifth day, the house seemed like new. So Todoroki went to his father, and asked, slightly annoyed at what he had to do, "May I go to the ball now father?" And to Todoroki's dismay, Endeavor replied, "I would allow you to go Shoto, but you don't have anything to wear. And unless you can somehow acquire a suit by 7 o'clock, you are not leaving this house."

So time passed, and while the others were getting ready for the ball, Todoroki was thinking of how he could get a suit in time to go with his family. But Todoroki couldn't come up with anything, and when the clock struck 7, he said goodbye to his siblings, and, reluctantly, his father. "Goodbye. I'll be here... in my room... pretending I don't exist..."

Once Todoroki was sure they were gone, he ran to the garden, and started to cry. As he was crying, there was a loud crack! and a young lady appeared. Of course, Todoroki didn't notice this because he was to absorbed in his sadness. The girl went over to Todoroki, and started to comfort him.

"Don't cry Todoroki, he's not worth it." She whispered. It was at that moment that Todoroki knew, he wasn't alone in the garden like he thought he was. "Wh-who are you?" He asked through his tears. "I'm your fairy godmother, Momo." She responded. Todoroki looked at Momo unconvinced. "Well, I'm actually a witch, but that's beside the point. The point is that I might be able to get you to the ball that you so desperately want to go to."

Todoroki blinked a few times, before coming to the conclusion that he might be imagining this. "You can really get me to the ball?" He asked skeptically. Momo sighed before taking out a wand. "Believe me now?" She asked. Todoroki looked at her, amazed. "Now, stand still. We don't want anything to happen."

As Todoroki stood there, Momo waved her wand, "Bibbidi-Bobbidi-Boo!" Momo put her hands on her hips, and looked at Todoroki impressed. His hair was split, with the right side being white, and the left side being red. He was wearing a light blue suit, pale blue gloves, and glass shoes. "I couldn't do anything about your scar on your left eye, but I think you look amazing." Momo said in delight.

Cinderella - A TodoDeku StoryWhere stories live. Discover now