=_-Wait Hold On We're WHAT-_=

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Ruv looked around the crowded restaurant. It smelled like crawfish, rice, and numerous spices. The amount of people made Ruv feel a bit claustrophobic. He was never in a place with this many people. If he was exaggerating, he'd say there were a million people in here. In reality, there were 118, but it somehow made it worse. Ruv sunk into the fluff of his jacket once more, keeping his head down.

It was a bad idea being in a place with so many people like this. Ruv even saw one of his posters on the way here, and it wasn't exactly like he was unnoticeable. I mean- he was 9 feet tall for god's sake!! Ruv found himself hiding his face behind a confused Whitty.

Whitty looked at him for a moment, and then looked past him. Not far behind Ruv was a BEWARE poster of the grey-based Russian. Whitty's eyes widened in realization, and he snatched off Ruv's hat again.

Ruv snapped his head to look at Whitty, who suddenly tossed his hoodie at him. The Russian was confused for a moment, then Whitty nodded to the poster. The bomb pointed to his hoodie, and made a motion like putting a hood on. Ruv quickly caught on, putting on the hoodie and hiding himself rather well.

Then he saw Carol take the hat and put it in her purse, hiding it. Why were they going through such lengths to protect a criminal that was clearly worth a lot? Let alone a guy they just met! But then Whitty put on a face mask. (no there's no corona, it's just a fashion there)

Then the bomb put on a dark blue beanie. Ruv looked at him for a moment, then remembered Whitty tearing a poster down on the way here. Then the Russian understood. Whitty was on the run, too. But why so brave? Why walk into a crowded place where everybody can see you?

But then it struck him as soon as he saw who was in here. There was a creepy-ass lemon that was CLEARLY munching on a REAL hand. An orange-haired kid with a gun-- and even a rotted clown looking fucker with horn-shaped ginger hair and a short ass body. This place had quite a few sketchy looking characters here.

Maybe that's why they were brave enough to walk in here. There were more criminals here than in a city jail on machine gun Monday! (machine gun Monday is something I came up with don't @ me)

However, there were a equally as many normals here as well. Innocent people who would call the police in a heartbeat. That was why Whitty still hid himself as well as Ruv. They were still in a popular restaurant. Of course there'd be a bunch of excited, hungry innocents here. It only made Ruv more uncomfortable.

They bought a table and sat down farther back, near a painting that looked as if Picasso painted a cow with birth deficiencies. The thing had the biggest eyes, the smallest nose, and it's face was shaped like a baby drew a triangle. It was a horrific- yet somewhat aesthetic picture. Although Sarv seemed unsettled by it. Which was understandable. I mean- they had a pet cow at the church. She was VERY old.

Then, the waiter came up, expertly maneuvering through the crowded restaurant. "Would you all like anything to drink?", the butler-looking lad asked kindly.

"I'll have my usual", Carol said, grinning as he wrote it down. "I think I'll get the grape lemonade, please", Whitty said. This surprised Ruv, as he expected such a rough-looking guy to get whiskey or something. And then here comes Sarvente--

"May I have a light vodka please?", she asked sweetly.

"Bold, are we?", The waiter said, his voice amused as he wrote it down. "And you, sir?"

"I'll just have a water...", Ruv said in his kindest voice. It actually sounded very kind, but Ruv didn't know that. The waiter nodded, grinning as he wrote it down. "I will be right back with your drinks!"

Then he seemed to practically snake through crowds with amazing precision. Ruv continued to stare at the guy, wondering how the hell he does that. Then Whitty chuckled, causing Ruv to look over at the bomb with a confused stare. "In case you're wondering, his name is literally Sir Pent", the bomb said, noting how the butler moved.

=||_-GUITAR&BASS-_||= ((Whitty x Ruv))Where stories live. Discover now