The Sunflower Tattoo: Part 3

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You stare at your soulmate and something clicks inside you. Your soulmate. You can't believe it. He's finally in front of you. Your heart aches, wanting him to hold you, finally being able to touch him after only being able to see parts of him all this time. 

"Y/N?" Your soulmate says your name again, sending shivers down your spine. He steps closer to you. "I can't believe I finally found you." A huge smile spread across his face. "Oh he's so cute..." You think to yourself. 

Just then he rushes forward, enveloping you in his arms and knocking off your sunhat in the process. "Oh...and he's strong."  A blush crept its way into your cheeks. A familiar scent drifted into your nose. It was the cologne you have been smelling for months. 

"Oh I'm sorry!" He released you and bent down to pick up your sunhat. Your arms prickled at the sudden coldness after his body heat left you. Your soulmate gently wiped off your sunhat and placed it back onto your head. He flashed you another smile and you felt yourself melting on his presence. He was even better than what you imagined. "How-how do you know my name?"  You asked, finally finding your voice again.

"Oh..I-uh-I heard it once, in one of the 'vision' thingys. Someone was calling you it. Is-is that not your name?" He rubbed the back of his neck and gave a sheepish smile. You shook your head and gave a chuckle. "No it is! I was just curious because I never heard yours. I only saw characteristics of you. Like your sunflower tattoo."  You pointed to that fateful tattoo. 

Your soulmate looked down at his tattoo and his ears began to grow red. "Yeah...I actually got that for you..." He said in a soft voice. Your eyes widen. "What? What do you mean??"  He's back to rubbing the back of his neck and actually looks away, a pink blush spreading across his cheeks. "One of the uh vision thingys showed me you in a field of sunflowers and you looked so radiant in it. reminds me of you... and I figured it would help you find me..." He admitted softly.  

Your heart ached. This man was so sweet. He looked back up at you with dark eyes shining. "Oh my name is Johnny by the way. I know it's a little late in introductions..." He chuckled, that deep familiar sound. You can't help yourself as you fling yourself into his arms again. Johnny lets out a small "oof" but envelopes you in his strong arms again. You hear him let out a contented sigh. 

Pulling a little away from his chest, you look up at him. "Hi Johnny. Nice to meet you finally." You give him a big smile, your heart full and light. The daylight was quickly fading but you didn't want to leave your soulmate. You had been without him for so long and were worried that the moment you leave it would all be gone. You let out a long sigh.

Johnny noticed your sigh and pulled you into him, hugging you tighter. "Are you okay Y/N? What's wrong?" His voice is a bit muffled in your hair and hat. "I'm okay, it's just getting dark out and I should get home before my family worries..." 

"Oh." Johnny sounded disappointed. "I didn't even realize." He said while looking around. The streetlights were beginning to light up as the sky darkened. Johnny released you but kept his hands around your waist. "Can-can I walk you home?" He asked, the tips of his ears turning red again. "I'm just assuming you live around here since you were taking that bus home?" You nodded. "I live a few blocks away...I just got off early since I was chasing you." You glance away, embarrassed that you just admitted to chasing your soulmate down. Johnny threw his head back, laughing. "That will be quite the story to tell when someone asks 'how did you two meet?'." He gives you another big smile and you feel your knees weakening. Your soulmate is so handsome. 

"Why thank you Y/N." Johnny chuckled a little. "Oh my god, I said it out loud didn't I?" You ask, mortified. Johnny laughed some more at your shocked expression. "Yeah you did but it's cute. It's nice to know you find me as attractive as I find you." He gave you a cheeky smirk as your cheeks flush with heat. You softly hit his chest with your closed fist. "You're unreal." Johnny just laughs again. 

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