Chapter 5

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Bryce POV: (i do not know how boys think so bear with me) as the movie ended i looked over to addison sleeping on my shoulder, she looked so cute honestly as much as i hated her for all those years my infinite love for her was always there but as much as i love her and god knows i do i can't bring her into my messy life, this girl deserves the world someone who can put her in #1, i can't do that jade has and will always be my #1 -you know staring is creepy- she says getting me out of my trance as we both giggle -daddy- jade says standing with her stuffed bunny as addison quickly moves her head -oh hi sweetheart- i say -hey princess why are you up so late?- addi says patting a spot between us -idk i just can't sleep- jade says as she snuggled between us -don't you have school tomorrow?- addison says giggling -maybe- jade says looking at me with puppy eyes -yes you do young lady- i say ticking her a little -boooo he's no fun- addison says while jade laughs -come on kid back to bed lets go- i say picking her up -i should go to, gn kidds- addison says referring to jade and me -HAHAH she called you a kid- jade says mocking me -alright let's go home- we all say good night, me and jade cross the street and i put her to bed and i go to sleep


I woke up around 7 am -SHIT it's late- I say looking at the time on my phone jade had to be at school at 7:15 I go downstairs to Addison washing the dishes -what are you doing here? where is jade? is it late?- I say -oh she left like 10 min ago she should be in school by now- Addison says calmly -what who when- I say -well I went on a run at 6:30 and you weren't out so I asked Tayler and he gave me a key so I got jade up ready for school gave her breakfast, and Tayler left with her and amy- she says with a smile -why didn't you wake me up?- I asked -jade and I thought you needed sleep, plus I'm here to help Tayler and you consider me your fairy godmother here to make your life easier.- she says making me laugh at that last part can this woman be any more perfect like literally!!

-well thanks really thanks - I say -so last night's dinner- I add -um good news max is not bothering me anymore- she says -well that's good but why exactly- I say -last night he kinda overstepped but his brother helped and from now on I'm doing business with his brother- she says kinda sad -HE WHAT?!?!- I say -oh don't go all mama bear on me- she says -wait what's his brother's name again- I ask -William Conswell- she says, William a real lady-man he protected Addison?! that means he likes her and every girl falls for him, am I really losing Addison to that jackass no fucking way -do know him- she asks? -mhm I met him a couple of times- I say -do you like him?- I add -what why does that matter?!- she says avoiding - so you do- I say -no no no, I have met him once you know me better than that- she says -because I know you I know, you avoided my question, you can tell me were friends now- I say -Bryce, I don't like him if I did, why would I hide if- she says -idk you told me you weren't with anyone I just assumed- I say -oh come on I told you I wasn't in a relationship that doesn't mean I haven't fucked who do you think I am, ya girl has needs I'm not Mother Teresa- she says making me laugh a lot -now come on- she says -wait were- I ask -I let you sleep, you are buying me breakfast- she says making me giggle

we got to breakfast and ordered at this point the waitress was straight-up flirting at me when she brought the food she says -here you go hottie- she says handing me the food and silently hands Addison hers -do you want anything like Idk maybe my number- she says smiling while Addison looks at me -mhm- Addison coughs -I'm good thanks- I say as she leaves -are you jealous?!- I ask Addison -what no I'm uncomfortable- she says laughing -oh yeah right- I say - you too were almost fucking in front of me- she says as we both laugh -have some respect for you ex-girlfriend these kids nowadays- she says joking  

a/n: did I forget this story existed? yes, 

am I gonna try to update? yes, 

will I end up updating? probably not BUT ILL TRY

also thanks for 1k views!!!! pls vote thanksss

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