Disturbance in the Undergrowth

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Mother is in a tissy. She had been planning my 18th birthday for months, but now all those earlier decisions don't matter. The tyrants had caused quite a disturbance. Now Mother was motioning for me to go rest inside, yet she looked like she needed to lie-down more urgently. I was still in shock but the feeling was contained, though slowly spreading inside me.

My mind kept going back to that moment. The birds had seemed to stop their joyful chirping, the sun had been blocked by the clouds. It was as though the whole garden had been whisked off in that moment to a far off jungle and there was a jaguar around the corner. Well, their coats are the same. Although, the thing that was bugging me most right now wasn't the delayed fright of the situation, it was the memory of his rough palm against by bodice, the smell of fresh pine sap on his clothes, the huskiness of his breath next to my ear.

The animal had pounced, and now he was playing with his food.

Later I could hear the guests gradually bidding goodbye to my parents. The whispered remarks of shock and outrage still managed to find their way to me high up in the bedroom. No amount of dinner invitations could hold those inevitable rumours from being unleashed; they'd ravenously devour their way right the way through the village.

The only way to clear my mind was to wander down to the lake. A secret swim couldn't hurt. It's not like anyone would notice that i'd be missing. Just last week I discovered an injured deer; I had to calm the doe and try to remove the arrow - not an easy task! No doubt the result of those illusive, destructive rapscallions!

Night was beginning to sneak up on day: my normal route was turning into something mystical before my eyes.

When I reached the bank I glanced around - habit - to check I was alone before I stripped. The only thing with more cause for concern for parents than a disappearing child is a wet reappearing child.

This was the best part. The sharp sting of the surface, and then the soothing, silky silence. The earlier chaos now seemed a dream, to drift away with the smooth current, to be forgotten. Nothing could ruin this moment...


What was that? I jolted up, urgently trying to cover myself up while simultaneously trying to find my footing.

"Who's there?"

A muffled snigger answered back from the inky darkness.

There was a light rustle from the bushes; someone was watching me. All I could see was the outline of a nose and jawline, rimmed with the last light of day. I rushed quickly to my bundle of clothes on the pebbled ground, struggling to put them back on, conscious that I had an audience. My dress was sticking to my legs, the armhole was twisted. I was uncomfortable to say the least. My skin prickled, my careless thoughts had been dashed by this intruder: how dare he!

"Show yourself is you are to be so rude."

"That would be a mistake." The voice was gruff - weighty, tough and experienced, though fairly young (about twenty i'd say). I wondered in that moment whether he had watched me before.

"Why?" I was anxious now. The sun was waving its last goodbye: mother and father would be wondering why I wasn't at supper. If only he would show himself.

"Because you would be afraid."

And now he mocks me! "That is impudent! You know nothing of me. You cannot predict the actions of a person you have not met."

"In that you are wrong miss."

I was wearing thin with patience. "Well then uncover yourself from these mischievous shadows so that I might recognise you."

"If you so wish" came the reserved reply.

Nights cloak covered him. What did it mean that darkness favoured him? I could sense his distaste in being examined, but I approached so I could see better.

I quickly scuttled back, far back, to the waters edge. The tide grabbed at my ankles.

The smirk had vanished from his face. The game was finished. I had realised; he was recognised. I knew those hands, those boots, that blade. I knew the coat most of all: the black coat of the jaguar. He had his food cornered.

"You?" I could barely speak the word. Fear and outrage was building in my throat. "How dare you come here? How dare you follow me?" My feet were slowly sinking in the muddy sand. I was slowly being submerged and there was no escape.

"Are you going to kill me now?" I stuttered.

"I'm not here for you. But since you're here, I can't let you leave." Hazard was on his tongue.

"You can't stop me from going home. You'll be in even more trouble if they find me kidnapped." I started to walk around him, to the path I knew led back to the house.

He grabbed my arm. I could feel the calluses from years of hard work in the forest. Those rugged grooves had probably seen their share of splinters, ropes and leather. "I'm going to be in trouble anyway. What's the harm in taking a small pleasure in it while doing so?"

"I'm not going to be you prize!"

"Of course not. I'd just like a little company." That dimpled smile was going to make me mad.

"What happened to those rogues you were surrounded with earlier?"

"They're around. You'll see." I just wanted to be rid of him. I tried to shake my arm loose but his grip was firm. He pulled me over to his hiding place. On the ground there was a flask of water and a bed of moss.

"You expect me to stay here with you ?"

"No. I'll be over here." He walked back a few paces and motioned to the roots of an old willow tree. "I'll know if you try to leave."

There was nothing I could think to do. He was stronger than me, I was barefoot, and yet I still had no clue why he was here.

"I sleep if you tell me what's going on."

A quiet "you'll see" was all I got.

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