Sarah and the Caterpillars

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part 1

One time there was a girl named Sarah.  One day she went on a picnic.  She ate a ham and cheese sandwich.  Then she went to play.

Suddenly she hears a distant, "Don't step on us!!!"  She looks down.  Right there before her feet were two caterpillars.  She gently scooped them up in her hand and spoke softly to them, "Where did you come from?"  One said," I am Oscar and this is Alphonse."  Sarah was so surprised that they could talk.  So she said, "I didn't know you could talk. But, you still haven't answered my question."  "Oh, yes. We come from that tree over there." said Oscar, forming an arrow with Alphonse.  Sarah exclaimed, "Here, I'll take you back.  She starts to walk towards the tree.  "No, stop!" said Alphonse. "We're running away from home."  "Why?" she asked.  "Because, you see," said Alphonse.  Oscar said, "We want adventure!  Lots of adventure!"   " Well, what if you come home with me?" Sarah said.  "We would love to." Said Oscar, after consulting with Alphonse.  Then she told them to get in her pocket.  Then she went home.

Part 2

When at home she went up to her room and made them mini houses.  They absolutely loved them.  They really liked her a lot.  They lived like real children, for the most part.  Sarah taught them her school lessens.  They even liked hot dogs!!

One day Sarah let them out to play wile she was at school. (BIG mistake!!!!)  They decided to explore the house.  They already knew every inch of her room.  She had even left the door open by mistake.  "This is our big chance!" said Alphonse.  So off they went to the kitchen.  Sarah's mom had left the cereal out so they decided that would be their first stop.  When Oscar got in he sank into the bottom.  Suddenly there was a giant ring around him.  "I get the prize!" said Oscar, happily.  Then he and Alphonse munched and crunched for some lunch.

Then right when they got out Sarah's mom came in.  She was scared out of her wits!  She screamed so loud that Sarah's dad came in, too.  They were so surprised!  Then Oscar said, "Alphonse, I think we should go back to Sarah's room, like, now!!"  They tried to run away but the parents were too fast.  They caught them in a bug catcher.  "We're not bugs!" they screamed!

Part 3

When Sarah got home her parents surrounded her.  They asked if she knew about any worms.  She said, "Oscar and Alphonse aren't worms, they are caterpillars.  Oh!"  They told her she was in big trouble.  Then she had to put them back in nature.  They went to the woods straight away.  She knew it was time to give them back.  They wriggled in her hand spelling out the word goodbye. 

She was so sad.  She missed them so much. They were her friends. She moped and moped.  Finally her parents let her get a new pet. She chose a cat. She named it Fluff.  She loved it very much.  She soon forgot all about the caterpillars.

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