°Horror Movie°

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(Newt's POV) (High school AU)

It was almost the end of their high school life. Of course, Minho had to do something about that. Hosting his own party.

Newt wasn't a big fan of parties. Neither was Thomas apparently. They stood in the corner, watching their drunk friends play games and, well, drink more.

"Wanna head upstairs?"

Newt nodded. It might be a little bit more quiet.

The duo pushed pass their drunk friends, stumbling up the stairs. Surprisingly, no one was upstairs.

Thomas motioned to a room at the left of the hallway. Newt followed him. They ended up in a boys bedroom. Newt was guessing this was Minho's.

"Minho has a tv in his room, wanna watch something?" Thomas asked, picking up the remote.

"I guess." Newt sat on the beanbag chair. Thomas leaned against the end of the bed, switching through channels.

"You feeling a horror movie?"

Newt agreed but only because Thomas wanted to watch it. He wasn't a huge fan on horror movies, but Thomas wanted to see it.

Thomas sat down on the other beanbag chair right next to Newt. He wrapped a blanket around the two of them.

About 30 minutes into the movie, Newt was particularly scarred for life. What the hell were they watching?

Every single jump-scare scared Newt. About half of them scared Thomas while the other half made him laugh. How did he find this enjoyable?

Thomas looked at him. "Are you scared?"

"What does it bloody look like?"

Thomas laughed, jokingly, moving an arm around Newt. Newt buried his face into his chest, pulling the blanket over his head.

Thomas rubbed his back in a soothing manner. Newt would have fallen asleep if it wasn't for the faint background noises of his drunk friends and the movie traumatizing him.

But, in the end, he did feel quite relaxed into Thomas's arms. Even after watching a horror movie.

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