House Fire

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Perry's POV
So I'm room mating with a few people in this house.But like I hate it with a passion, because everybody is annoying.Cayla be blasting her music in her room.Like I be tryna sleep and I can't stand her dang music.Mateo be eating up all the food.Like he be eating up my things , he know is mine and still eat it.Like even things I've put my name on it.He will still eat it.N when I comfort and cuss him out , he laugh and say he starving but he sorry.Like no nigga that's my food.Buy your own shit.Nicole is hella messy, like she be leaving hair products and makeup always in the bathroom.We only got one bathroom.She is so lazy and she hates cleaning up behind herself.I'm always having to tell her to get this and get that.Or sometimes I don't even bother and I clean up after her.And lastly my roommate Jaylen, is always stanken up the bathroom.He be real funky , and he act like he don't know how to spray.N he be staying in their hella long.Like a nigga be having to pee, and it be STANK! I be about to gag and die.Cus it be that fuckin bad.I'm so sick of these bitches.Every last one of them , gets on my nerves.I honestly hate them all.I always thought having roommates was gonna be fun.But it's the total opposite, it's a complete nightmare, and I need to put an end to this shit.

I was cooking breakfast.Mateo walks in.
"Oooooh what you cooking for us"????
I made a face "us? this is only for me"
"Dang fr" ?
"Yeah nigga , fix ya own breakfast"
"That's mean, ion feel like doing that, what you fixing anyways"
"Food that ain't yours that's what I'm fixin"
He sucks his teeth.
"I'm sick and tired of you always tryna eat my food"
"I be hungry man"
"That ain't my problem"
Cayla comes downstairs blasting music on her Alexa speaker.

"Ugh it's too early for this" !
She makes a face "this is my favorite song"
"I don't care, it's way too loud, and it's way too early"
She ignores me and dances all over the kitchen as she fixes herself some cereal.I glared at her so mean.I wanted to throw her Alexa speaker so bad.She laughs and sticks out her tongue.
"I really wanna break that shit"
"You ain't gonna touch my Alexa, I'll break you"
"Yeah okay"
After breakfast I walked upstairs and in my room.Nicole was in my room using my brush.
"The fuck is you doin in my room" ?
"I lost my brush, so I'm using yours"
"The fuck , why you didn't ask me before you used my shit"
"It's just a brush, calm down"
"It's my stuff, you gotta ask permission stupid bitch"
She stops brushing her hair and stares at me with a frown.
"Tone it down Perry , I ain't no bitch"
"You should have asked before using my brush"
I snatched it out her hands.
"Danm okay" !!
She frowns and walks out.I sighed deeply and sits on the bed.
"I fuckin hate this house"
I hopped up because I had to pee.
"Ughhhhhhhhhhh" !!!
Someone was in the bathroom, and I bet it was Jaylen.
"I have to pee, can you hurry the fuck up" ?!
"Hold on! I'm shittin" ! Jaylen shouts
"DANM! You always shitting and you Better spray you dirty bitch"!
He laughs "I'll spray"
"PLEASE DO, and hurry uppppppppp" !!
"Okay okay" !!
I heard the toilet flushing and the sink.
"SPRAY" !!!
He laughs.I heard the spray.I was holding myself because I had to pee so bad.
"Oh my gosh Jaylen" !
He walks out the bathroom.
"All yours" he says with a smile
I gagged so hard .I held my breath and covered my nose and mouth.I quickly did my business , washed my hands and flew out that bitch.
I walked fast in my room and I slammed the door.
"I'm sick of these bitches , I can't take this shit" !

Everybody sat around the table.I had fixed some hot dogs and fries for these fuckers.Mateo was the main one tearing the food down.
"Gosh you so greedy"
"I'm hungry"
"Yo fat ass always hungry"
He ignores me and stuffs his face with the fries.
"The food is good Perry" Cayla said
"Mhm , thanks"
I rolled my eyes and took a sip of my lemonade.I glared at everybody with the craziest expression, because I was plotting.I wanted to get rid of these bastards.N then the most evil thought hit my mind.I stood up.
"Well I'm finished eating, good night"
"You gotta wash our dishes" Jaylen said
"Excuse me? You better wash your own dishes"
"You cooked the food you do it"
"You unappreciated, un grateful bastard, how dare you talk to me like that after I worked hard to fix this food for y'all , so y'all won't starve"
"Yeah thanks for the food, but I really wasn't craving these nasty ass hot dogs"
"Wowwwww, that's low"
"Jaylen stop, he didn't have to do this" Cayla said
"Yeah exactly, nobody asked him to do this"
My nose twitched in anger.
"Before you tell someone to wash the dishes, wash your ass first" !
I threw my plate, everybody gasped and jumped.The glass shattered all over the floor.
I ran upstairs.

While everybody was downstairs at the table I was grabbing gasoline and a match.Cuz I was gonna burn these annoying ass bitches up.I'm mad AF now, and I just don't care anymore.I begin to pour gasoline all over the house without being seen.I walked out the back door and I super glued the front and back door with hot construction glue , so they wouldn't be able to get out.I lit the match and threw it at the house.N I ran away , hopping in my car.
Caylas POV
Everybody begin to cough hysterically.
"Why are are we smelling smoke" ?!
Suddenly flames begin to spark up.
Everybody was screaming and running all over the house.
"what's going on"?! Jaylen said
"Who started this fire ?! omg"!! Nicole said
"Someone help us" !! Mateo screams
We tried running out the front door, but we couldn't get out.We begin to cry , freak out and panic.
"WTF OPEN" !!!!
"Let's try the back door" !! Jaylen said
Flames was coming up quick AF.Everybody was coughing hella hard and wheezing.I tried opening the back door, but the knob was hot AF.
"SSSS" !!!
"Oh no" ! Nicole screams
I tried again, despite of the heat, but it wouldn't come open.
"Where the fuck is Perry" ?!
"I think Perry started this fire" ! Jaylen said
The flames started to hit us uncontrollably, we was about to burn up alive, and their was nobody that can help us.We was screaming to the top of lungs in agony and unbearable pain as the flames burned and melted our bodies.
Perry's POV
I smiled evilly as I watched the house burn.I sped off down the street and I never looked back.


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