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My name is Castiel.
And I was an angel.

Then I met the Winchesters.

When I had first heard of the Winchester brothers I pitied them. They only knew the pain of loss and the destruction of death. The only faith they had was the faith they had in each other. Not in God. Not in Angels. Just themselves.

I wanted to save them. I became their ally. Their friend. Their angel.

Then I lost my grace.

The consequences of losing my grace were catastrophic...for everybody. I was no longer of any use to the Winchesters. They forgot about me. They left me.

I was alone in the world.
Confused. Desperate. Human.

When the oldest of the Winchester brothers died I didn't know what to do. I still wanted to help even if I wasn't their friend anymore. I gathered my things and began to drive. It didn't take long to get where I was going.

Just the nearest crossroads.

The deal was simple. Just a quick exchange of terms and a kiss. It could've been worse I guess. I could've had to kiss Crowley.

Ten years on Earth. Eternity in Hell. What a deal. At least the Winchester brothers would be alive and happy. That was my reasoning at least.

But I'd be lying if I said Hell doesn't change you.

The world is different when you're an angel.
The world is different when you're a human.
The world is different when you're a demon.

Pretty soon those Winchesters seemed to be a little too content with their lives. Somebody needed to give them a little reminder.

They knew death. They knew suffering. But they didn't know me. The new me. The real me.

When I killed the Winchester brothers there was no resentment, no pity, no holding back.

My name is Castiel.
And I am no angel.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 16, 2015 ⏰

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