Chapter 1 - Trials and Tribulations

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[Setting - Nature at Night]

*Running, branches crackling*
Person 1 (Sheema) - "No, no, no.." / *running & heavy breathing* / "What did I get myself into.."
Elite 1 - "There she is! Right ahead!" *gun shots x4*
Elite 2 - "Don't let her escape!"
(Sheema) - [keep running, keep running]
Unknown Entity - *grabs Sheema in the dark* "shhh.. don't panick."
*Sheema eyes open wide*

[Daytime School]

*Bell Rings*

Teacher (Mrs. Johnson) - "Now Ryan where did you think you were going? You know you have to stay after."
Ryan - "*sigh* I didn't even do anything, but tell the truth Mrs. J."
Mrs. Johnson - "You're not in trouble, it's just that you and I both know that you know a lot when it comes to history, & I'm glad that you're always help spread information but some aren't ready to get unplugged sweetie, don't give up though. Life is like a puzzle, especially in this crazy world we live in. They have to find the puzzle pieces themselves.
Ryan - "Yes Ma'am, I just want to open people minds and eyes."
Mrs. Johnson - "And you can do that but just dumb it down a little, I'll definitely surprise you with a lesson that everyone including you would love tomorrow"
Ryan - "Alright, I'm looking forward to it! Can I please head out now? I can't be late for practice."
Mrs. Johnson - "Yes, have a good practice, one love"
Ryan - "One love, Mrs. J"

[Ryan is headed to Practice]

*Door opens*

Sensei Rondae - "You're late."
Ryan - "I had to talk to Mrs. J"
Sensei Rondae - "You were trying to unplug entities that are just experiences to this simulation..hmp" *shakes head*
Ryan - "I was-"
Sensei Rondae - "YOU WAS trying to unplug entities that are just experiences to this simulation."
Ryan - "Yes, I was."
Sensei Rondae - "Why? Why do you want to save a lot of people?"
Ryan - "I just want to change the world, but I know.."
Both Ryan & Sensei Rondae - "..the world won't change until everyone change what's inside themselves"
Sensei Rondae - "Do what you feel necessary Ry, now let's get to it."
Ryan - "Wait a minute, how did you know that I got in trouble for that?"
Sensei Rondae - "You're too predictable, now back to what we were doing. Now, we're going to do a 5 minute mediation focusing on clearing the mind more."
Ryan - "10 Second inhales and exhales?"
Sensei Rondae - "5 this time, were taking today easier & make sure your palms are at Ra"

*3 Minute of Meditation passes by*

[Sensei Rondae telepathically & enters Ryan's world]
Sensei Rondae - [you have so much going on in your head Ryan, you have to let go of some of these thoughts & let go of the past]
Baby Ryan - [im trying.. it's hard]
Sensei Rondae - [it's hard because you make it hard, remember why you are here, remember what you love]
*Ryan mind clears out, turns into Nature, Skies turned into the Universe*
Sensei Rondae - [keep going, one love]
*5 Minute Meditation Finishes*
Ryan - "How do you enter my mind so easily?"
Sensei Rondae - "Practice & you'll eventually get the hang of it, you got it but you have to just keep working on it. Now, I have big news for you, in the next 2 weeks there is a Big Tournament."
Ryan - "Tournament?"
Sensei Rondae - "Yes, it will be taking place next month."
Ryan - "So that's why I was training a lot than usual these last few weeks?"
Sensei Rondae - "Yes & No, yes because it's going to benefit you a lot throughout the tournament but no because it's more than the tournament and we'll get to that stage later on Ryan."
Ryan - "Alright, heard you"

[Sunset, Cleopatras House]

*T-Blade opens the door*
Cleopatra - "Hey, Uncle Tone"
T-Blade - "Hey baby girl!!"
Cleopatra - "How was your day at work?"
T-Blade - "Quick day today, really didn't do too much but how was your day at school & did you finish your schoolwork?"
Cleopatra - "My day was meh but we're doing an project on Nature vs Current Habitat now & now that I'm researching even more, nature is being destroyed more and more by Humans..."
T-Blade - "Yes indeed and what could you change about that?"
Cleopatra - "I can't, all I can do is give out the information and resources but people have to change themselves if they want a change in the world."
T-Blade - "Well said sweetpie, are you hungry?"
Cleopatra - "Yes, what do you have in mind?"
T-Blade - "My famous Chickpea Curry!"
Cleopatra - "Make it a lil less spicy than last time, you put the whole chili and curry powder jars in there"
T-Blade - "Yeah yeah, you just can't handle Spizice" *salt bae fingers*

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 21, 2021 ⏰

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