chapter one-meet the brunette

727 3 2

Face maker-13
rewind and fast forward-14


as usual I was sitting in class zoning out because that was I always do go to school go home and hangout with friends.

"Wildcard! Wildcard!" I hear my teacher yell as I shake my head out of my trance "yes sir" I replied "would you like to tell us what I just said-" he was cut off my a brunette girl walking in the classroom she caught my eye.

"Hi I'm missy your new student the office told me to come here it's my first day" she said in the most softest voice ever. "ah yes lovely to meet you missy you can sit next to wildcard" he says as he points to me and my desk.

she sits down right next to me. Me being wildcard I zone out while staring at her until she snaps her fingers in my face to shake me out my trance.

"are you alright wildcard you seem to be staring" she whispered with a smirk "y-yeah I'm fine" I say while stuttering wow that was smooth she probably thinks I'm a weirdo. While I was deep in my thoughts she gigges snapping me out of my thoughts.

"hey wildcard right " she question "yeah" I said  "you seem to understand the work maybe you could help me" she said "uhh yeah i don't really understand but maybe we can help each other " I said "yeah sure when do you wanna meet" missy asks "meet me at the gates of the school after class" I say "alright" she says with the cutest smile ever

With that the bell rings as I grab my backpack and the homework on the way out I walk to the gates of the school and wait for missy as I'm waiting I see all my friends walking up to me .

"Hey wildcard" says wheels as we all fist bump "who ya waiting for" rewind asks "oh umm I'm waiting for missy she asked me to help her and I agreed " I tell them "ooo someone likes the new girl"says wheels "and you like acapella and here she comes" I say as all the girls and missy walk up to us.

"You ready" I ask missy "yup" she says as she starts walking "we'll catch you guys later " I say as I catch up to missy "hey so we're we going" I ask "the park it's much more quiet there and we can focus" she says "cool" I say

we finally get to the park and and sit on a bench we both took our homework out and put it on laps . I'm staring at all these math equations they all look so confusing.

"Hey so tell me about yourself we can play 3 questions " I say to start a conversation "okay sure" she says "alright what's your favorite color" I ask "black" she replies

this game goes on for about an hour and then we get the work done and I may admit she's fun to be around we laughing the whole time I wish it lasted longer but we both got to get home.

"Hey missy I had fun we should definitely do this again" I tell her "definitely and I never got your number" she tells me "oh here" i say while giving her my number she looks at me and smiles and I do the same "well I should get going"I say breaking the eye contact "alright we'll see you tomorrow then" she says going out separate ways.

i get home with a big smile on my face . "What are you smiling about wildcard" i hear my dad say "oh I met a girl" I reply "what's her name " my dad says smirking "her name is missy" I say as I put my bag down and and lay down on the couch "what she look like" my dad question "dad why so many questions" I ask "nothing you seem to like her" he says "dad I don't like her but she has brown eyes brunette wavy hair and tan skin and she's a little shorter than me"I say describing her perfectly "she seems pretty and did you do your homework I've gotten lots of calls from school about that" he says while sitting next to me "yup didn't with missy"I tell him and he gives me a smile "good job son your free to go hangout with friends it's only 4:00 but be home by 5:30 " he tells me.

I give him a smile and head upstairs to text my friends about what happened today. i open my phone.

The boys 😎

Wildcard:hey guys

rewind:how'd it go

wheels:yeah how

Wildcard:awesome anyways wanna hangout I got until 5:30

rewind:yeah sure I heard my sister talking with the girls I think their going to the fair we should all go

face maker:I'm down


wildcard :alright let's all meet at rewinds house


end of texting

I get dressed into a black and white flannel and some black jeans and my vans and I head downstairs and walk out the door to rewinds house.

I see all the boys waiting outside. I walk over to them and first bump them all and we all start walking.

"Aww someone got all dressed up for missy" I hear noodles say "oh be quiet i just met the girl" I reply back "but you seem to like her"I hear rewind say "i don't know." I say "what about wheels and acapella" I say trying to change the conversation "well I asked acapella on a date" wheels say with a light shade of pink of his face "yeah and what's did she say" face maker asks "she said yes" wheels say while scratching the back of his neck we fist bump wheels until we see the girls walking towards us.

"girls 2 o'clock" rewind says looking down as everyone starts walking faster until we hear "is that my brother rewind" we start walking even faster we look behind us and see the girls chasing us even missy "run" I yell as we all start running to the fair and we finally get there but the girls lost up and we all start laughing.

"That was crazy" I say while laughing it's now 4:45 on my watch "hey guys I'm gonna grab some food or something" I say while walking off and I bump into someone "oh sorry" I say and the person looks up and it's...missy .

"oh umm sorry" I say while scratching the back of my neck "no no it's alright" she says with a smile "wanna play some games" I ask "sure she says"

5:25 hits and I tell everyone that I gotta go home so I start walking but I see missy catching up to me.

"Hey wildcard" she says "hey missy what's up" I say while walking beside her our pinky's we're touching until she intertwined our hands together which made me turn a whole shade of red until we had to part our separate ways.

"I'll see you tomorrow" she said with a smile on my face and letting go of my hand. "yea see you tomorrow" i smiled and walked home .

this was the best day of my life .

the brunette girl (missy and wildcard) fan fictionWhere stories live. Discover now