chapter two-the fight

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Of course I was sitting in my desk at school talking to missy.I actually wanted to ask her out but she probably doesn't feel the same way and I don't wanna get rejected infront of the whole school so I kept to myself.

Then the bell rang as me and missy got up and walked into the hallways.

"So missy marvel or dc" I ask her "dc for sure I mean come on is that even a question" she says "no marvel is way better come one I mean iron man is like the best" I tell her "alright" she says with a smile

as she goes to her next class I stop at my locker to grab some of my notebooks until I see a girl walk up to me.

"Hi I'm kenzie and you are?" She asks while holding her hand for me to shake "I'm wildcard" I say shaking her hand "so do you have a girlfriend" she says jumping right to the chase "um no I was planning on asking a girl ou-" I was cut off by a commotion going on down the hall

I walk down to see what's going on and I see missy and two boys throwing around her stuff on the ground. I quickly step in

"leave her alone" I say proudly "what did you say boy" he says while pushing me " I said leave her alone so I gotta repeat it" I say while my voice getting louder the boy smirks then turns around and pushes missy on the ground

I walk over to him and gives him a right hook straight to the nose. Then the other boy grabs my hands and holds me so I can't move nor fight back.

they guy punches me in the stomach . I put my head down in pain he punches me in the stomach again this time my vision is blurry but I can still hear his voice "next time mind your business mister" he says before punching my stomach one last time before I fell to the ground holding my stomach.

I pass out and the next moment I wake up on my couch next to my dad. "Wildcard a fight really?" I hear my dad say i don't reply "just to protect some girl" he says with anger "she's not just some girl dad I care about her a lot dad" I say softly "I know son I'm sorry I understand that you care about this girl" he says while wrapping his arms around me.

we pull away and I go to my room and lift up my shirt to see a punch a pinkish bruises on my stomach. They got me good I decide to text missy to let me know that I'm alright.


Wildcard:hey missy I'm alright just wanted to let you know I'm case you were worried

missy:thank god can we meet up

wildcard:missy it's 8 at night

Missy:so ? 😏

wildcard:your sneaky but meet at the park in five

Missy:cool ❤️

end of texting

I get out throw a hoodie on and go out my window and thankfully everyone was sleeping to I got to the park and waited for missy.

she shows up about 5 minutes later. "So you wanted to meet" I ask she doesn't say a word but she stands on her tippie-toes and wraps her arms around my neck and I wrap my arms around her waist.

We pull away. "I was so worried about you wildcard"she says with a worried voice "it's alright I'm fine now" I say reasuring her .

we both start leaning in and out lips interlock there was this spark. she wraps her hands around my neck and mine around her waist. i pull away and look at the time.

"Holy crap it's 9:00 missy I gotta get home" I say "alright I'll see you tomorrow" she says before kissing my cheek I smile and run back home .

i go threw my window and take off my hoodie get ready for bed.

the brunette girl (missy and wildcard) fan fictionWhere stories live. Discover now