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The facility’s lights went out. Terror and panic were among the small grou of people trapped inside. The entire facility was filled with darkness. The sounds of doors could be heard in the distance, opening and closing.

“What is that!?” asked Zach, his voice shaking with every noise he heard. The facility was dark except for a few lights that shone here and there. Anna was pretty sure the lights were out in all three sections of the facility. Who knows how stable they are? They could blow out at any minute.

A crawling noise was heard in the vent. Boom. Boom. Boom. They were definitely footsteps. By now, Zach has figured out what it is.

“It’s the beast…”, he said, squinting out into the darkness.

“The what?”, asked Elvis in confusion.

“The beast. It’s coming to kill us all. It’s up to us to stop it.” Zach looked over in the corner of the room. “Hey. What’s this?”, he asked. He walked over to the strange looking items. It was an FF unit, a medkit, and a hyperlaser gun. He opened the FF unit, and activated the force-field. He strapped the medkit to his side, and had his gun ready. All the others had pistols.

“Everyone ready?” yelled Zach?
“Yeah!” everyone responded.

Brandon just rolled his eyes and said, “Ugh. Alright. Fine. Son, you disappoint me.” he said jokingly.  But he knew what he really wanted to do. “I’ll just set out ahead. Good luck, guys.”

“Wait!” yelled Zach. But it was too late. Brandon was long gone by now.

“He’ll be fine.” said Elvis. “Brandon has always been a fighter. There’s no need to worry about him.”

And with that, they set out. They were all in the control room at the time. They looked around at all the possible routes they could take. The beast most likely came from the drug experiment room, so where they needed to go was to the dining hall and the main supply room. They split up in teams, except Zach of course since he was the most powerful. He knew the force field wouldn’t last forever, but it was worth a shot. Elvis and Anna set out together towards the back hallways. Charlie and Izzy went to the main storage room. Zach set out to roam the halls in search of both Brandon and the beast.

As Zach roamed the hallways, he heard a door opening and closing. It didn’t seem to get further or closer at all. Only as he moved closer, did it get louder. And louder. And louder. The noise was coming from right behind this door.

Zach sighed while mumbling, “Well. Here we go.” He jumped in the room, and yelled “FREEZE, BEAST!” Zach’s eyes went wide and his mouth dropped. Brandon was opening and closing the door, and… dancing!?

“I like door.” said Brandon, “Door make me dance”

Zach was in shock. What was he doing!? We could be murdered at any moment and he’s playing around. Who plays with a door!?

Just as Zach was about to yell at Brandon, a red, curved object glowed in the darkness. It swung through the air and slashed Brandon. Brandon went flying down the hallway and crashed into the door at the end. He slammed the door with an AGH and fell to the ground dead.

Zach quickly turned around to stare at this black, half invisible creature. The Beast stood tall holding a scythe. An eerie noise was heard playing around this creature. It gave Zach the blankest look possible, as it did not have a face.

“OH GOD! RUN!” yelled Zach as he broke into a run.

Zach ran down the hallways, through doors, and down to the air vents. He climbed the ladder into the air vents. Thank god half of the power went out or this could be very dangerous. Zach looked behind him to see if The Beast was there. There were no signs of any danger.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 23, 2015 ⏰

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