Phoenix Rising from The Ashes

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Using your foul tricks, you made the people amoral.
Fooled them to believe that shall bring laurel.
You lead them in the wrong direction,
created chaos and divided society.
In lieu of embracing their flaws,
you made them conscious of perfection.

You wanted power, you wanted rule,
This hunger made you savage.
Now, you don't care if an innocent dies,
you have become deaf to their cries.
You are the one behind all the damage.

Yet we pledge to fight against all odds
even if we are not strong enough;
we shall not give up and stop
cause we know deep inside
that we are good and
we have the blessings of God.

No matter how much you want
You won't be able to silence us now
You can't deter us from taking our sacred vow-

"You can break me down into pieces,
You can burn me down into ashes,
You can wound me as much you want,
Yet you'll never be able to dampen my spirit.
I am one of those who never give up,
I am one of those who stand out for the right,
I am one of those who survive the hardest of crashes,
I am one of the Phoenix rising from the ashes."

So, today I stand here
and speak my heart out
that beautiful day is not far
when the Sun will rise again,
you shall be defeated and
the earth will be free of all its pain.

Phoenix Rising from The AshesTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon