Still living with HIM

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So I am currently living with HIM. How'd I end up here again? You may ask. "If it was so bad the last time, why am I even here again?" Well I'll tell you. It was but some years ago. (I'm currently 34) when I had escaped Tyler's place and built a house in the forest. A few months later, saw a guy walking toward my house. I was terrified it was Tyler, but when he got closer, I noticed it wasn't. I walked out and stopped him. He had pure-white eyes. A scar on his right eye. A scar above that same eye and black hair. He called himself Max. Yep. My now best friend. I asked him "What are you doing out this time of night?"
He said "Why. I'm coming back from mining."
"At this time of night?"
"Well okay. But be careful. Mobs are out." I said and shut the door behind me.
I ended up living with him and his twin brother, Mark. He was the sweetest guy you could ever meet. He had a white shirt with 2 blue stripes on it. Black hair, too and blue eyes. I liked his eyes a lot. Speaking of eyes, I actually asked Max if he could see, and he said he had perfect vision. I asked how and he just shrugged. He mentioned that he used to have pupils. When he was younger. He had blues eyes, like Mark. He said he lost them when he was 15. He doesn't know how thought. I miss living with them. All of Mark's jokes. Max's sarcasm. I miss it all. I returned to Tyler's forcefully. I was on a simple walk in the park and I spotted Tyler in a distance. I panicked and stated to run. When I reached to an ally way, I stopped running. I was breathing heavily. I prayed to Notch Tyler didn't see me. I prayed and begged and pleaded Tyler didn't see me. Then I feel a presents watching me. I gulped. I turned around slowly. It was my worst nightmare staring back at me. "No. Please! Don't take me with you. I don't wanna-"
Tyler didn't let me finish. He smacked me in the head with something hard and I feel unconscious. I don't know what happened between that and when we reached his house. I just knew, I was in for the worse. My worst nightmare has returned. Bigger and stronger. Although, it looks as he's gained more weight since the last time I'd seen him. As I said, I'm currently living with Tyler. I HATE IT. I DESPISE IT. As he despises me. I'm literally absolutely horrified of him. Or petrified. Which ever has more emphasis. I never know what he's gonna do to me next. Some days he just has a lazy day and just leaves me tied to any old thing in the basement. He doesn't feed me. He doesn't give me any drink. Nothing. Nada. I'd rather Tyler have A lazy day then to have him bug me and torture me. I still feel a little discomfort when ever Tyler has a "lazy day", as he doesn't leave me in the most comfortable positions. I gotta say, ever since I've met Tyler, my grammar has gone down hill a bit. I've started to swear more often. I've learned to tolerate small amounts of pain. Only extreme amounts I can't handle. I grit my teeth and I scream and shout and start uncontrollably swearing and start crying. I kick rapidly. I plead him to stop, regardless whether Tyler listens or not. Please. Don't feel sorry for me. I'm not asking for your sympathy. I've learned to deal with it. The only thing I can do during a time like that is to wish to be dead. It's not like I could fight back. I'm weak from hunger and many other things he's done to me. The last time Tyler has put me in extreme pain like that was about a week ago, when he stuck me in a cage and released wolves out in it. They were all focused on me and wanted me for lunch. They bit. They chewed on my flesh. They sunk their big, pointy teeth into me. They scratched. I dont know how I survived. It hurt like hell. I could feel every second of it. I caught a glimpse of Tyler during this and he was happily RECORDING this all. What the fuck is wrong with that guy? Recording someone else being attacked by a pack of angry, hungry wolves?? I was just desperate to find out when it all was gonna end.

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