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"A great and dangerous curse will fall upon you..."Those were the words that the soothsayer said to Axel. After a few years, he finally realized what the soothsayer meant by that.

Axel's son was finally born, which he named Sebastian. The doctor detected a strange power in his right eye, so he took him for a checkup. When they opened his eye, the doctor was surprised in its colour. It was black with a red skull on it. While they were doing some procedures, the doctor collapsed. He fell to the ground. The nurse also collapsed shortly after. They were screaming in pain until they died of suffering. The other doctors heard the scream and, they saw a little boy on the table with two dead bodies. He had killed them just by looking at them.

Many years later, Sebastian had a child named Damien. He wasn't just any human; he had white hair. After 27 weeks of his birth, he finally opened his eyes, but it wasn't how they expected it. Damien's mother, Charlotte, was the first to see them. When Sebastian came home to see his dead wife, he immediately noticed the symptoms of the death and looked at Damien's eyes. His left eye was red, and his right, cursed. Sebastian was devastated, but he knew that there was no one to blame. He put some bandages on Damien's eye and swore to protect him at all costs.

As soon as Damien knew how to remember things, Sebastian taught him to never look at anyone with his right eye. However, Damien was only a child, and he was curious. So, he looked at a stray cat. After a minute, it died with blood in its mouth. Damien was scared of this power, and he never took off his bandages.When Damien was ten years old, Sebastian had to go on a mission. He was a detective at the time and had taught Damien about everything he knew. He sent Damien to his grandparent's house and left for the new case. After a few weeks, the police came to Damien's grandparents, Axel and Elisa Thanatos. They had some news about Damien's father, but Damien knew that something was off.

"The chief never comes out of the office unless-"Damien thought, "U-unless something happened to dad!"

Damien became tense. He scrunched his eyebrows as the police chief explained what happened during the mission. 

"I'm sorry. Sebastian didn't make it. They were targeting him because he was the best detective." He said. "All we could find at the crime scene was this eyepatch." 

Damien was devastated. He took his dad's eyepatch and ran into his room. A year later, when Damien was 11, he was still mourning over his dad. He wore his eyepatch every day instead of the bandages. However, he was furious at the murderer. 

"I will find them, and I will kill them," he said. "But, I will need to know how to kill first."

He could use his eye, but if people start noticing it, they will aim for it. "No. I can't always rely on the curse. I need to learn how to do it myself." 

He looked online to see if there were anyone who could teach him how to fight. He found a person who was capable of doing it. Her name was Lynn Archer. Damien trained with Lynn for two years. He was good with weapons, and he quickly became one of the best fighters. He started to become more independent, and he grew cold to everybody over time. 

"Wow, you're going to beat my best student if you keep this up!" Lynn said.

"Who's that?" Damien asked.

"His name is Zayn Varcolac. He's the same age as you."

"Can I meet him?"

"Why not? I'll tell him to meet you tomorrow."

The next night, Damien met Zayn at the usual training spot. "So you're the one Lynn told me about?" Said Zayn.

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