misunderstood (loki)

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There were more things he called himself when he had a knife in his hand but those were the ones that were true as his arms were littered in small hard to notice scars on his frost giant form but in his normal human form he had no scars "another day another 100 more resons I shouldn't exist" he took out his knife and after 5 minutes passed out the knife he summoned falling to the ground and making a clattering noise followed by a thud

Thor opened the door to see loki slowly dying on the floor with a litany of scars opened and new fresh deeper cuts but his face in his human form almost like he made himself pass out so he couldn't die as thir stopped loki from bleeding out "loki why would you do this..."

Three months later

"Loki why would you do that..." loki broke down finally breaking from thor asking him constantly "BECAUSE IM A MONSTER THAT NOBODY TRUELY LOVES AND THEY ONLY SAY THEY LOVE ME BECAUSE IM ROYALTY THATS NOT EVEN DESERVED" thor looked at him shocked "loki no they dont I've been to midgaurd and they all love you truely sibling and romanticly... " loki sat by an exit to the ship "I should just jump off right now and become an ice cube that's shaped like a human..." thor sighed "loki your the only heir to the throne when I die and asgard needs leadership..." loki decided against throwing himself off the ship and just had mental breakdowns in his room daily concerning his brother

Loki was never treated the same and therefore ended up feeling misunderstood constantly but nothing anyone did helped

one shots of angst/vents with charictersWhere stories live. Discover now