wfck prime- what if the entity missed most shots

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okay the videos timestamp is a scream, i will tell you when to play the scream to make some sense of what happened and also so you can get why i wrote this

the last thing 33 heard before the world went black was the opening of a car door and being dragged out

lets start from when things went to shit ey?

he had hit the petal to the floor and the car ran out of gas and muttered "oh come on! out of gas? its like the worlds just trying to kill me"

then a glitching voice from the backseat

"not the world, just me"

sky turned around as fast as he could and made eye contact with the entity and bairly got the words "oh shi-" out before he was cut off by the entity pouncing on him and stabbing just bairly missing his heart making him scream out in sheer pain 

(play the scream now)

the entity missed the majority of his shots and didnt notice from the sheer adrenaline and rage corsing through their veins, and they slit primes throat making him silent and drown in his own blood quicker

it had been roughly an hour and the wounds were small but super painful as he kept fading in and out of contiounsess, and he felt his own blood pooling in his lungs and the back of his head, and he heard a loud horn behind him and he heard the car behind his open, and he seen the person, but couldent make out their face but could see they were about 5 foot and feminine, and had shoulder length hair with blonde highlights, but that could have been the sun messing with his eyes, and his world went dark again

i had seen prime and i had already dialed an ambulance, and i  opened the door from it being unlocked and dragged prime out, and tried to get the blood out of his lungs as i heard the sirens makining it obious where i was by waving almost frantically with my free hand

the next thing prime knew he was hooked up to plenty of wires, and waking up from a near death experience making a noise of slight pain seeing his vocal chords still worked, he relaxed a bit as he ended up trying to sit up but a hand very kindly pushed him to lie back down

"if you move the curent stiches im doing are going to pop and im going to have to redo the ones on your throat, the ambulance said you werent savable but i proved them very wrong, hence why your propped up against your car tire hooked up to wires that seemingly lead into thin air" the voice explained to him, and he didnt move so he wouldent pop any tight stiches as he felt them get tighter, he lifted his head up and seen the same person who had saved himstiching the wound by his lung and he swore he felt a breeze on his chest but he ignored it as to not arouse suspition to know that he was a hair of a burden

i got done with the stiches and backed off before grabbing gauze and wrapping it around skys shoulder and torso and fixing his shirt and his jacket auto zipping up, and he looked at the person and winced trying to stand up but failed

"you need help skyler?" i asked and held my hand out as he grabbed it and stood up with a bit of a struggle as the wires disapeared, and he felt himself almost pass out again "i see that you wont be able to stand for a minute, also your cars gas can was stabed clean through" i picked him up and set him in the pasinger seat efore it hit sky that i had refered to him by his name and he inhaled in shock "who are you and how do you know my name"

"my names oracle and im litterally a god. your lucky the entity mised so many stabs to be honest" i explained before handing skyler a phone "just call me if you need anything" i was his phone but i had seemingly taken it and unlocked it and put my number in and he nodded, and then sky and 'oracle' went their sepperate ways,  skys life having changed forever

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 11, 2022 ⏰

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