First Date

22 1 0

As I sat at my vanity I adjusted my bright red lipstick, then standing up and looked myself over one last time. Making sure my tight little black dress was just perfect.

Tonight I was going out on a date with a guy I've been talking with for about a week or so. We met through a mutual friend from work.

I was a bit nervous because this is actually my first date. Yeah I know that may sound a bit far out and crazy for a woman of my age who's never been out on a date with a guy. I mean I'm almost 32 I've should have went on lots of dates, but I haven't. No it's not that I'm not scared of men or anything like that. It's just I've never have time with my busy schedule at work.

I work for a small detective agency. Yeah I know that's not an good enough reason but whatever sue me.

Walking out the door I grabbed my purse and key's and headed to my car and I was on my way to the little bar. I arrived about five minutes before are date was officially supposed to start, but that's how I have been all my life show up early and be very punctual. I guess that's what happens when you have a father who is a retired marine so being late wasn't an option.

I got out of my little mercedes-benz slk, and walked around to the front of the little bar. I could hear the music blasting as I got closer to the main entrance. I was a bit nervous as I walked into the bar and spotted my date.

His name was James he was a very tall and handsome guy. I had to let the nervousness go because it was to late for me to back out now because as soon as I walked in the door James spotted me. I don't know how through the crowd of people but he did because as soon as he spotted me waved and started walking over.

I guess that's the plus side of being a detective you can just about spot anyone in a crowded room with a little bit of analysation.

I stood there with a small smile on my face as he approached me. Hello Jasmine!!

Wow you look absolutely beautiful tonight. Thank you I said with a hint of nervousness in my voice. I sure hope he didn't detect it.

Because I can say this for sure from what I do know about James is he is very good at reading people and figuring them out pretty quickly.

May I buy you a drink he asked me politely as we walked over to a booth and sat down.

Yes that will be fine I said I'll take a raspberry cosmopolitan.

Ok james said to me and he turned to the bartender as she walked over to are table.

Yeah I know it may seem a little bit crazy sitting down in a bar and being waited on,but that's how it is in New York.

May I take your order? The bartender ask. I'll have one raspberry cosmopolitan for the lady and for myself I'll take a bud light.

Quickly scratching are order down on a notepad and letting us know she would be right back as she began walking towards the bar.

I turned and looked at James who was starting at me in a bit of an awe look. I was a bit nervous because I just knew he was going to start with the 21 questions of why was I single, and not married yet, and why did I wanna be a detective, and so on.

I already knew the drill I get asked this often by other men I've work with. So Jasmine how is it we never crossed paths at the precinct?

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 06, 2021 ⏰

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