Chapter 22

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Welcome to I still suck at chapter lengths

Hajime gave a tired sigh as he threw his keys on the counter and flopped down on the couch in exhaustion. It had been two weeks since the first training lesson, and both of the boys had been so busy with their work schedules they hadn't gotten time to train. Hajime would sometimes walk into the bedroom to see Nagito practicing his punching combos or even doing some push-ups or sit-ups. It was obvious he was passionate about this and wanted to stay in shape. Hajime needed to work on that now that he was thinking about it. He used to work out every morning before he left to do mafia stuff, but his schedule has changed a bit since he left.

Working at the restaurant had been grueling. He was on his feet for seven hours every day nonstop cooking. It paid well but that didn't excuse the fact that it was tiring. He enjoyed the job very much, enjoyed cooking different types of food. The hard part was bouncing around all the time, and the main chef, Teruteru. Teruteru was, creepy, to say the least, always making comments about Hajime's appearance or anyone's appearance for that matter.

But, nonetheless, he had convinced Teruteru to give him a couple of days off, since the chef could obviously see how tired Hajime was. Hajime had felt bad. He had gotten to barely spend any time with his boyfriend. But Hajime planned to make that up. He had something planned for him and Nagito the next day. Something that was sure to make Nagito happy.

Nagito walked into the living room to see Hajime flopped on the couch, half-conscious. "Oh no!" Nagito gasped. "Is he alive??" Hajime gave a small moan, indicating he was awake. "Oh, good." Nagito laughed. He sat down next to Hajime's head and started stroking his hair. Hajime gave a smile. Nagito's touch always made him feel better.

"Man Hajime, it's midnight. This is the third time this week you've passed out on the couch."

"I'm not asleep yet," Hajime mumbled.

"I'm lonely in the bedroom. It feels empty without your presence." There was a small tremor in Nagito's voice. Hajime wondered if Nagito was still suffering from nightmares. He decided he would ask about it later.

"Sorry," Hajime said.

"It's alright, I know you enjoy that job. But still, are you being overworked? Is there someone I need to talk to? Should I use my new fighting skills?" Hajime gave a small sigh. "No no no it's fine really."

"It doesn't look fine." Nagito scoffed.

"I have a few days off," Hajime murmured.

"Oh! Wonderful! Well, tomorrow is Saturday, and I have weekends off, so, what do you think about spending it together?" That brought a smile to Hajime's face. "Way ahead of you, Nagito."

"Really? What do you mean?"

"I have a surprise planned for you tomorrow."

"A surprise?" Hajime nodded.

"I think you're going to like it too."

"Knowing you, I will like it," Nagito said. Hajime could detect the happiness in his voice, which made Hajime smile.

"We'll catch up tomorrow, I promise."

"Oh goody! I don't know about you but it feels like I haven't had a conversation with you all week!" Hajime hated that Nagito was right. Hajime barely got time off. He really needed to work on a new work schedule with Teruteru. He was sure Teruteru wouldn't mind if Hajime said that it was to spend more time with his boyfriend. Teruteru was always interested in hearing about Nagito. It made Hajime uncomfortable.

Hajime nodded and agreed with Nagito's statement. He could feel his consciousness fading. "We'll have fun tomorrow... I promise..." Hajime whispered before he fell unconscious.

⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️

Hajime woke up to the smell of something good coming from the kitchen. He sat up in his bed and rubbed the sleep out of his eyes, curious to see what that smell was. Wait, bed? Why was he in his own bed? He remembered falling asleep on the couch last night. He scratched his head in confusion. He hadn't sleepwalked back to his bed, not that he remembered.

Hajime hopped out of bed and walked to the kitchen, where he saw Nagito making waffles. Nagito glanced at Hajime and smiled. "Afternoon sleepyhead!"

"Nagito, it's morning."

"Nope, it's 2 in the afternoon."

"WHAT!" Hajime screamed, rapidly looking for a clock. Sure enough, it was 2:08 pm exactly. He whipped around and glared at Nagito. "Why did you let me sleep in for that long?! And why are you making waffles in the afternoon?"

"Two reasons for the first one. One, because I thought you needed the sleep, and two because you look absolutely adorable in your sleep. As for the second one, haven't you ever heard of waffles for lunch?"

"No, I haven't."

"Well, you're missing out." Nagito shoed Hajime to the table and served him some waffles, then sat next to him and started eating some himself. Hajime took a small bite. They were a little burned, but Hajime didn't say anything. Nagito had so graciously made him breakfast, er, lunch. Hajime wasn't about to complain.

"Dang it, I burned them." Nagito sighed. "You don't have to eat them if you don't want to."

"No, I want to! Even if they are a little bit on the toasted side they're still good!" Hajime took a big bite showing he enjoyed them. Hajime had gotten used to burned food since he used to burn food all the time. Nagito gave a small smile and continued eating his.

"Hey, Nagito?"

"Yes, Hajime?"

"How did I get back in my own bed?"

"Oh, I Carried you," Nagito said simply.

"What? Why?"

"As I said, I missed you."

"You've never done it before!"

"Because I'm usually asleep by midnight."

"Why weren't you this time?" Nagito shoved a bite of waffle in his mouth, preventing him from answering. Hajime pressed further. "Nagito, are you still having nightmares?"

"No," Nagito quickly said, with his mouth full. Hajime softened his gaze and gave Nagito a gentle smile. "Hey, you can talk to me about it you know." Nagito shook his head.

"I'm not having nightmares," Nagito said, but the bags under his eyes contradicted his statement.

"Don't lie to me. Talk to me-"

"Hey, don't you have a surprise planned for me?" Nagito interrupted, definitely trying to change the subject. Hajime sighed, letting it happen. If Nagito didn't want to talk about it right now he didn't have to, but Hajime would get to the bottom of this soon enough.

"Yeah, it's at 6:45."

"Oooo. Where are we going?"

"You'll see." Hajime gave a smug grin. He wanted this to stay a surprise. Nagito sighed. "Alright fine, I'll let you have this." Hajime's smile grew. "Well, I'll give you a hint, I hope you packed some nice clothes because we're going out tonight."

⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️

Hajime couldn't believe this. He fumbled with the thing around his neck that was supposed to be a bow tie. He had known how to tie regular ties his entire life, heck he wore a normal tie every day! But never, ever bow ties.

Today, however, he thought he would impress Nagito by wearing a bow tie. But, alas, he had no idea how to tie one. He had Googled it, trying to use his resources but it hasn't helped him at all. Hajime stared at the mirror in defeat. He was wearing a black suit and had picked out a dark green bow tie that would hopefully bring out his eyes, but he couldn't freaking tie the thing. He didn't want to wear his regular dark green tie because it didn't go with the outfit. So he looked at the mirror and sighed.

He walked out of the bathroom in the hallway and headed to the bedroom, where Nagito was. Hajime half-heartedly knocked on the door, hoping Nagito would know how to tie a bow tie. Nagito opened the door. He was still wearing his normal white shirt but had put on some black dress pants.

"Hello there Hajime. My my, you're looking incredibly dasher today!" Nagito commented. Hajime felt his heart soar from the compliment.

"Hey, Nagito. Umm... I hate asking you this but... do you know how to tie a bow tie?"

"Awww Hajime you stole my idea!" Nagito gasped. Nagito opened the door all the way and let Hajime inside. Hajime saw that the rest of Nagito's outfit laying on his bed. There was a white coat with a black button-up and a white bow tie. So he did know how to tie a bow tie. Perfect.

"Do you want me to tie your bow tie?" Nagito asked. Hajime nodded. "I'm sorry to ask for your help but I cannot figure it out for the life of me!" Nagito gave a small laugh and walked up to Hajime.

"It's alright Hajime, you can't win em all. And bow ties are hard to tie. It took me forever to learn." Nagito grabbed the sad attempt at a bow tie around Hajime's neck and undid it. Then he started working on a new tie with his delicate fingers. It looked like this came naturally to Nagito, like he's known how to do this forever. Hajime felt envy, but he was mostly nervous. Nagito was, again, super close to Hajime. Hajime didn't know why he felt nervous when Nagito was this close to him. They had been dating for a month now, had kissed three times and hugged and held hands on multiple occasions. But Nagito being this close still made Hajime get butterflies in his stomach and make him sweat like crazy.

Nagito finished his bow tie and grinned. "There, you look amazing. The color brings out your eyes. Go look," Nagito gestured to a mirror on Hajime's side of the room. Hajime walked over and studied himself. He had to admit, he looked pretty good. And Nagito was right, the bow tie was doing its job. Hajime started doing a bunch of silly poses in the mirror, forgetting Nagito was in the room.

"Umm, Hajime? Could you stop feeding your vanity and move out of the way for a second?" Hajime felt his face go red as he quickly nodded and moved out of the way of the mirror. He turned around to face Nagito and somehow got redder than he already was. Nagito had taken his shirt off and was about to put on the black button-up when he saw Hajime gawking at him. "What?" Nagito asked, confused.

"You- you- you took your shirt off!" Hajime stammered, not knowing what to do. Nagito laughed. "Well we're both guys aren't we?" How was Hajime supposed to react to that?

"B-but we're dating!"

"So?" Hajime realized he was staring at him, so he squeezed his eyes shut. Stop. Staring. He told himself. Nagito would think he was weird for just staring at his chest. Then he felt Nagito's arms wrap around him and pull him in. "Doesn't the fact that we're dating just make it better?" Nagito murmured. Hajime's nerves were going haywire. Nagito's body always felt warm, and his skin was soft. He could hear Nagito's heart pulsing softly, and hear every breath he took.

By some miracle, Hajime was able to relax in Nagito's arms by listening to the sound of Nagito's breathing. He nuzzled into Nagito's chest and Nagito responded by rubbing his back. "See? I'm not that bad, am I?"

"N-no not at all!" Hajime blabbed, cringing at a voice crack. He wanted desperately to return back to the silence before. Then they pulled apart, the moment ruined by Hajime's stupid squeaking voice. Nagito laughed. "Alright, that's enough." Then he gave a grin. "Unless you want more later."

"No! I mean, umm..." Nagito must have liked seeing Hajime a hot blushing mess because he kept laughing. As Hajime flubbed over his words Nagito quickly put on his black shirt and the white coat to go with it. Then he tied his bow tie. As Hajime finally regained his composure Nagito had pulled back his hair into a ponytail.

"Wow," was all Hajime had to say when Nagito was finished. Nagito blushed. "I look terrible don't I?"

"What?! No not at all! You look, amazing! You should wear your hair like that more often!"

"In a ponytail?"

"Y-yeah... it makes you look... r-really good." Nagito nodded. "I'll keep that in mind." Hajime didn't deserve to be in the presence of this angelic boy standing in front of him. He needed to stop messing up his words and stuttering.

"Well, are you all ready?"

"As ready as I'll ever be."

"Ok then! Let's go!"

"How are we getting there?"

"I was thinking we could walk. It's not far, I promise." Hajime assured Nagito.

"Alright then, where are we going?" Hajime smiled.

"We're going out to dinner."

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