Bubble Bath

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Hank Palmer idea

This is just mostly for me so I don't forget it as a possible short one shot idea👀

So basically, imagine some sort of housewife vibes going on... like While Hank is out working hard at a case, his girl stays at home and makes sure he has a nice plate of food ready for when he gets back from his late nights.  Maybe on a specific night, she's finished cooking, finished her list of chores she made for herself and was now no longer in-need to keep herself busy. So as it got later in the night and their was no sign of Hank, she decides to draw herself a nice bubble bath. Drizzling her fancy soap, a sprinkle of bath a salts... maybe even lighting her favourite candle. As she sinks into the hot water and relaxes, she eventually hears the familiar sound of tires on loose gravel and the locking of his car. When she heard the front door open and close, and the low groan when he bent to take off his shoes, she kept her eyes closed but smiled. Continuing to listen as he discarded his jacket and made his way to the kitchen. She figured he'd help himself to the plate of food she had prepped and wrapped for him, but instead she heard his quiet steps up the carpeted stairs and open their bedroom door. She could hear the confusion in his steps as he looked around for her. When he gave a small knock to the door, she sat silent as she knew he'd just open it right after. Like predicted, the door opens and hank peaks his head in. When he sees her laying in the tub; bubbles filled to the brim and her eyes closed in bliss, he couldn't help but give a little smile and open the door more. They both were aware of each others presence, even when she had her eyes closed, but he still walked up slowly to her side, his hands stuffed in his jeans pockets as he takes in the view. His eyes wandering down from her lashes down to the tips of her toes that peaked out of the water; her body mostly covered by the cloud and bubbles in the water. Slowly, he'd step right up to the edge of the tub and look down to her. Feeling his stare, she broke the relaxed state she was in and gave a little chuckle; peaking open one of her eyes to see the man looking down at her. A smile instantly coming to his lips and his hands coming out of his pockets so he could motion to the side of the tub. She'd look to where he pointed and then would close her eyes with a small nod. Hearing him take in a deep breath and sitting down on the edge of the tub, she got some sort of amusement out of it. She knew what he was he was thinking and how it was effecting him; or so she thought. She felt his eyes continue to stare at her but what she didn't expect was the dip of the water. Her eyes peaked open with curiosity and she saw he had the tips of his finger dipped in the water, very gently running along her freshly shaven leg. Gliding along it as he looked at the one spot, almost like he was hypnotized by the single area. He'd stop after a moment when he'd look up to her and meet her eyes. She'd decide to act as if it wasn't getting to her by asking how his day was... he'd let out a tired breath out his nose take his hand out of the water; flicking the gently to get the warm water off them. Placing his hand on his thigh, he'd make eye contact and give a warm smile.

Okay I don't wanna give away too many details as I may make this an actual one shot

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 22, 2021 ⏰

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