Update #I lost track

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Hello my kings, queens, and any majesties in between. How are you guys? Did you update? I actually updated 3 times. 3! 

I still haven't addressed my parents about my adoption theory, my sexuality and gender identity, or well anything at all. I have been driving a lot more lately, kinda scary tbh. But what can I do? I have to do 50 hours, and 10 have to be at night, to get my license. And I need it. I have to have it do my plan from here on out.

Any song suggestions? I need those as well.

Uh what else was I going to say? Life is good, my brat a*s sister has my anxiety on high rn, uh....OH. I'm am going to give you a conversation with me, my bf, and someone else

Some person: Kids are fun
Me: I want kids. I always have. At least two
Bf: I don't want to me a father
Me: *looks at him in shock and with a slightly angered face*
Bf: *glances at me* But whatever happens, happens.

I straight up told that to my friend and she is like "sabotage the 'protection', and when you get pregnant say 'you said whatever happens, happens. And I made it happened'" I literally was like that my work but just no" so yeah my week has been fun lately. What do you think about this sh!t? Funny to me




























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