The First Hole

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Ivy woke up to the sound of the trumpet. She put the pillow over her head. Zigzag, who slept in the cot next to her pulled the pillow off her head.

"Come on Ivy. The longer you take the closer the sun gets to rising." Zigzag said softly.

"Never. Let me sleep forever." Ivy replied reaching for the pillow.

Zigzag put Ivy's pillow on his cot and pulled Ivy up.

"Yo X!" He called out.

X-Ray handed Zigzag his canteen. Zigzag dumped it on to Ivy's head.

"ZIGZAG!!!!!" Ivy yelled.

"Yeah." Zigzag replied taking his shirt off.

"You're so dead!" Ivy said staring at him.

Zigzag started running the other way. Ivy ran after him. Ivy has a running technique which allows her to get in front of her opponent.

Zig stopped running. Ivy stood in front of him and slapped his arm slightly hard.

Ivy got dressed and walked out of the tent, her hair soaking wet. Squid and Magnet stood next to Zigzag.

"She has the strength of a UFC fighter. I love it." Zigzag told Squid.

Ivy followed Magnet and X-Ray. Mr. Pendanski looked at Ivy.

"Why is your hair like that?" He asked.

"My hair like what?" Asked Ivy.

"Dripping wet." Pendanski answered.

"Oh. Zigzag poured water on my head." Ivy said swinging her arms back and forth." Ivy replied.

"And why would he do that?" Pendanski added to the question.

"Because I wouldn't wake up," Ivy said turning to face Zigzag. "Even though I was already awake!" She said looking at him. She turned back to face Pendanski.

"And you're glad about that?" Pendanski asked giving a confused look.

"No. I'm glad because I slapped him really hard." Ivy replied.

"Now why would you slap him?" Pendanski kept adding on to the question.

"He. Poured. Water. On. My. Head. Are you paying any attention to what I am saying?" Ivy asked getting a tiny bit annoyed.

Pendanski nodded then walked away. Ivy rolled her eyes.

The other boys came out of their tents. Ivy skipped breakfast. Again, she wasn't hungry.

They walked to a case labeled 'LIBRARY' in big letters. Mr. Sir opened it and everyone grabbed their shovels. After D- tent got their shovels, they headed out for the lake.

"If you find anything report it to me or Pendanski. If the Warden likes what you found you get the day off." Mr. Sir explained.

"What am I supposed to be looking for?" Ivy asked.

"Nothing. You're digging to build character." Mr. Sir responded.

He marked the ground where Ivy had to dig. She started almost immediately after Mr. Sir left. When she tried to stick the shovel into the ground, it bounced back up slightly denting the ground. Her bones rattled from the shovel bouncing off the ground. Eventually, she pulled out a huge chunk of dirt and she tossed it far from the other boys' holes.

After about four hours her hole was two feet in diameter and three feet deep. The sun had risen and it was getting hotter.

Squid and X-Ray walked over to Ivy's hole, three hours later, to see how she was doing. She set her shovel against the side of her hole and pulled herself up. She sat on the edge of her nearly finished hole and stared at her hands, which had blood and blisters all over them. They stung really bad.

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